September 21, 2012

At Ecology Park today, there were a single young male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, several Black-throated Green Warblers and single Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, American Redstart and Yellow-rumped Warblers. Location: Ecology Park Observer: Sean Smith

August 6, 2012

While birding the southern part of the county today I encountered nine Giant Swallowtails at four locations: 3rd Line east of Bensfort Bridge (2-worn); Hiawatha Line south of Herkimer Pt Rd (1-fairly fresh); just east of Villiers on Peterborough Rd Read more…

August 4, 2012

I saw a Giant Swallowtail today just off of Birchview Road, about three kilometres east of McCracken’s Landing on Stony Lake. The butterfly looked rather ragged with a large part of its left hindwing missing. According to the NatureList Google Read more…

August 4, 2012

This morning between 0600 and 0740 while scanning the exposed mud at the Briar Hill Bird Sanctuary pond for the Short-billed Dowitcher that has been reported by various observers, I found an adult Baird’s Sandpiper foraging with four Least Sandpipers Read more…