August 2, 2012

The Peregrine Falcon was seen again today on the OMNR building on Water Street. Location: OMNR Building at Water and Charlotte streets (perches usually on west side of building) Observer: Bill Crins

August 1, 2012

If you’re down at the Silver Bean Cafe at Millenium Park, watch for Caspian Terns sitting on the rock island with the Ring-billed Gulls. Location: Millenium Park, Water Street, Peterborough Observer: Colin Jones

July 28, 2012

A pair of Merlins nested in our next door neighbour’s pine tree. They fledged three young and all were flying around the neighborhood for a month. Location: Algonquin Blvd, Peterborough Observer: Mike Barker

July 28, 2012

Today, I was delighted to see four Sandhill Cranes – two adults and two young – on Tara Road. They were gliding into a grain field that has been harvested. Beautiful sight! Location: Tara Road, Ennismore Observer: Jim Watt

July 24, 2012

The first signs of fall are upon us. Yesterday, I could see Tree Swallows flocking (about 30). They were gone today. Biggest surprise sighting of the summer – our first Green Heron. Location: Douro-Dummer Township Observer: Bruce Kidd

July 22, 2012

I had a very cooperative Carolina Wren on the sunflower feeder this morning around 8:00 am. I got a very good look at it and was able to clearly see all its field markings. Location: Tudor Crescent Observer: Sue Paradisis

July 20, 2012

Today I saw a Pandorus Sphinx moth (Eumorpha pandorus). It is nearly all green and quite beautiful. (Note: Its host plants are grape and Virginia creeper. It is listed as fairly common in northeastern North America and is closely related Read more…

July 17, 2012

Today, I had a Hummingbird Clearwing moth coming to my flower garden. I didn’t recognize it as an insect at first but thought rather that it was a small hummingbird. Location: Allum Road, Peterborough Observer: Eric Munro

July 15, 2012

At 6:30 p.m. today, the Peregrine Falcon was seen sitting on the railing on the roof of the Quaker building. I viewed it from Hunter Street Bridge. It stayed perched the whole time. Location: Quaker building, Hunter Street Observer: Brendan Read more…

July 13, 2012

We have recently noticed a trio of Merlins in our backyard, feasting on local birds on the neighbor’s roof, in East City. I was able to get some great photos yesterday. Location: East City (east side of Peterborough) Observer: Marlene Read more…

July 11, 2012

A pair of Chimney Swifts has nested this spring/summer in a tall chimney behind the Peterborough Pet Hospital on Lansdowne Street. Apparently the nest is visible from the room from which the chimney extends. Location: Lansdowne Street, Peterborough Observer: Betty Read more…

July 10, 2012

Today, I had a new butterfly species in the garden – a Silver-spotted Skipper. This large, fast-flying skipper is easy to identify, given the prominent silver patch on the underside of the hindwing. It was nectaring at my Joe-Pye Weed. Read more…