May 21, 2012

More butterflies are emerging, In the last week I have seen Tawny-edged Skipper, Meadow Fritillary, Common Ringlet, and Black Swallowtail (May 18, Cameron-Cty Rd 39 rail trail), Northern Cloudywing (May 20, PFN walk in Trent Wildlife Sanctuary), Hobomok Skipper, Arctic Read more…

May 20, 2012

Today, I saw White-winged Scoter at Jack Lake at about 6:50 p.m. It was likely just stopping by on its migration route north. I have never seen one at the lake before. Location: Jack Lake, Apsley Observer: Sheelagh Hysenaj

May 19, 2012

This morning I saw a Blanding’s Turtle basking on the shoulder of the Jack Lake Road (about 100 metres south of Jack Lake Landscaping business) . I have seen other several other Blanding’s Turtles basking or crossing the road and Read more…

May 6, 2012

Had a great weekend in our yard, saw 2 male orioles ,2 male rose breasted grosbeaks , 1 brown thrasher ,1 great crested flycatcher and 1 male ruby-throated hummingbird. We were glad that these neo-tropical birds have come home for Read more…

May 5, 2012

On the rail trail to the Orange Corners Trestle this morning we saw Bobolinks, Eastern Meadowlarks and White-crowned Sparrows. Location: Orange Corners Trestle on Trans-Canada Trail Observer: Gord and Enid Mallory

May 5, 2012

Despite a slightly later start (8ish), I had a productive morning at Hubble Road – managed 2 Golden-winged warblers (observed singing), 1 blue-winged warbler (observed singing), 8 Eastern Towhee, rose-breasted grosbeak, blue-headed vireo, red-eyed vireo, great-crested flycatcher, and others. Then Read more…

May 5, 2012

On the PFN-sponsored Jane’s walk at Fleming College this morning, I counted 50+ Red Admirals over a distance of 100 metres through an open area. They were nectaring on Dandelions. Location: Fleming College Observer: Drew Monkman

May 4, 2012

There has been another big flight of Red Admiral butterflies into Ontario these last few days (including today). We had at least 20 admirals in the yard this afternoon. With all of the bird migrants that arrived last night, you Read more…

May 4, 2012

I walked around Ecology Park and Beavermead Park this morning (9 a.m.) and recorded nine species of warblers including Northern Parula, American Redstart, Blackburnian, Palm, Ovenbird and Black-throated Green. In all, I probably saw 80 to 100 warblers, most of Read more…

May 4, 2012

Bryan and I got an excellent look at a Palm Warbler up our road close to Airport Road. We also heard our first Common Yellowthroat warbler calling. Location: Johnson Drive Observer: Mary Beth Aspinall

May 4, 2012

Today, there were 4 f. and one m. Rose-breasted Grosbeak eating apple blossoms at Ecology Park proper, as opposed to adjacent Beavermead. Also there were 2 shimmering m. Scarlet Tanagers and a m. American Redstart. My FOS empid, likely Least Read more…

May 4, 2012

This morning, Sue and I heard an Ovenbird, Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Black-throated Green Warbler singing in our backyard. Location: (Park Street North, between Parkhill & Wolesly). Observer: Andrew Jobes, Sue Prentice

May 4, 2012

This morning during my bike ride to work from Lakefield to the MNR building in downtown Peterborough there was quite a lot of bird activity. Highlights included: Great Crested Flycatcher

May 4, 2012

I took a walk through Jackson Park this morning and found a Wood Thrush and Ovenbird singing on the hillsides. A few new warblers for me were Blackburnian and Black-throated Green. Location: Jackson Park Observer: Chris Risley

May 3, 2012

Yesterday, Baltimore Orioles were singing in the woods.. saw a male today. Also, have white throated sparrows pecking in the garden. I have noticed a lot of yellow bellied sapsuckers… they have been pecking .. very noisy .. at everyones Read more…

May 3, 2012

Sue and I took our beginnner birdwatching class to Jackson Park today, and we had the following recent returns: – BLUE-HEADED VIREO – BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER – WOOD THRUSH – YELLOW WARBLER. Location: Observer:

May 3, 2012

Today, I photographed a Muscovy Duck that showed up in my backyard on Pengelley Drive in Bailieboro. The probable escapee perched on the railing of our deck! Location: Bailieboro Observer: Marie Adamcryck

May 3, 2012

Yellow Warbler (3-4, singing), (none yesterday) and White crowned Sparrow at Meadowvale Park near TASSS. I also had Black-throated Green (1) and Black-and-White Warblers (2), Blue-headed Vireo (1) and Warbling Vireos at Beavermead. Location: Meadowvale Park and Beavermead Park Observer: Read more…