May 3, 2012

This morning, Mitch Brownstein, Byran Whitfield, Mary Beth Aspinall and myself birded on Bryan and Mary Beth’s large, habitat-rich property on Johnson Drive, just south of the by-pass. Birds of interest included Yellow Warbler (2), Nashville Warbler (2), Black-and-white Warbler Read more…

May 2, 2012

Today, at 4:30 p.m. I saw a single Swainson’s Thrush in the large maple woodlot on Hooton Drive, just east of Howden Line. Other birds of interest along Hooten included Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Waterthrush, White-crowned Sparrow and Field Sparrow. A Read more…

May 2, 2012

Along the Otonabee River this morning in Peterborough, I had Warbling Vireo (2), Black-and-White Warbler, Eastern Kingbird and Chimney Swift (Hunter Street in East City). Also, last night May 1, our front yard (919 Ashdale Cres. W.) hosted a Beaver. Read more…

April 30, 2012

There are currently three (five four days ago) Trumpeter Swans at Emily Provincial Park including one tagged as J88. (Note: Tagged Trumpeter Swans can be reported on-line by going to: ) Location: Emily Provincial Park, Omemee, Ontario Observer: Margaret Read more…

April 28, 2012

Just spotted a Black-and-white Warbler, a Solitary Sandpiper and a thrush of some species on my property by the Otonabee River off Johnston Drive. Location: Johnston Drive Observer: Bryan Whitfield

April 22, 2012

About 20 people took part in the Sunday Morning PFN Bird Walk today. We went to the Warsaw Caves Conservation Area first where highlights included 2 Hermit Thrush, a small flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers, several Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a Winter Wren Read more…

April 21, 2012

As has been the case all week, large numbers of Ruby-crowned Kinglets are moving through the Peterborough area. There were at least a dozen singing in Jackson Park this morning. Location: Jackson Park, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

April 20, 2012

I have two Fox Sparrows coming to my feeder. They have been here for at least a week. There are also a number of White-throated Sparrows. Location: McCrea Drive, Peterborough Observer: Mitch Brownstein

April 19, 2012

Yesterday, April 19, Jerry Ball and I explored the roads north of Bobcaygeon and Buckhorn and found a wide variety of species. We covered Ties Mountain Road, Charlie Allen Road, Tates Road, Galway-Cavendish Forest Access Road, Pencil Lake Road and Read more…

April 18, 2012

I was pleased to see and hear a Hermit Thrush while walking my dogs on the DePencier trail at TUNA this morning.. FIrst one for me this spring. Location: Trent University Nature Area Observer: Jennifer Budgell