February 22, 2012

Today, while walking along Westbrook Drive near the hospital, there were single American Robins calling every 100 feet or so, almost as if they were already staking out nesting territories. One was actually singing its heart out – something I’ve Read more…

February 4, 2012

Today, I saw the two Trumpeter Swans that summered here near Hiawatha (Kent’s Bay) fly north up the Otonabee River. Wild Turkeys are everywhere in this area. Location: Kent’s Bay Road at Hiawatha Observer: Sharon Simpkins

February 2, 2012

Today on Little Lake in downtown Peterbrough there was a Horned Grebe, Common Merganser, many Common Goldeneyes, immature Lesser-Black-Backed and Great Black-backed gulls, and one adult Iceland Gull. Location: Little Lake Observer: Dave Milsom