January 14, 2012

I have an Eastern Towhee coming regularly to my feeder. There are also a pair of Red-bellied Woodpeckers in our area. Location: south of County Rd. 2 on David Fife Line. Observer: Michael Gillespie

January 12, 2012

My husband sighted a single young male Barrow’s Goldeneye (with dark grey beak) on Lower Buckhorn Lake in the boating channel just before the town of Buckhorn. Location: Buckhorn Observer: Claudio

January 8, 2012

A pair of Bald Eagles are building a nest on an island in Hamilton Bay on Stoney Lake. They have been seen bringing material to the nest in recent days. Location: Stony Lake Observer: Nan Campbell

January 4, 2012

Today at 1 p.m., I scoped Little Lake in downtown Peterborough and found an adult, 1st-winter and 2nd-winter Glaucous Gulls, 2 adult Iceland (Kumlein’s) Gulls, and a 1 st – winter Lesser Black-backed Gull among the Ring-billed and Herring gulls. Read more…

January 1, 2012

This afternoon, I saw an American Kestrel sitting on a telephone wire at the south end of Peterborough County – just north of Boundary Road on Country Road 28. Location: County Road 28 Observer: Sherry Hambly

December 18, 2011

The Peterborough CBC was held on Sunday, December 18th in pleasantly warm weather for a change. 27 participants found 57 species, well above average but below our high of 62. New high counts (with previous highs) were: Cooper

December 15, 2011

Today, along the red trail at the Trent Nature Area on University Road (east side), I saw several flocks of American Robins, totalling at least 40 birds. Location: Trent Nature Area, University Road Observer: Drew Monkman