April 12, 2011

This morning during my dog walk at the Trent University Nature Area (Pensier trail) I saw the following species: Eastern Phoebe, 100+ Tree Swallows, Northern Flickers, 2 calling male Brewers Blackbirds (heard and seen), Yellow-rumped warbler, Golden and Ruby crowned Read more…

April 9, 2011

With the 14C temperatures today, the clusters of Silver Maple flower buds have opened fully on many trees, giving the trees a hazy appearance. Small numbers of Common Redpolls and Pine Siskins (less than five of each) have been coming Read more…

April 8, 2011

During a sketching outing in the schoolyard today, my class found Silver Maple flower buds opening up and the stamens already protruding. We also found one Crocus in full bloom, tiger lillies starting to emerge from the ground, and lots Read more…

April 6, 2011

The Red-bellied Woodpecker is at our feeder today. Hope he stays around! Two Pileated Woodpeckers are also regular visitors right now. Location: Otonabee River South at Cedar Bank Road Observer: Eva McFaul

April 4, 2011

There was an Osprey sitting on its nest on Scriven Line just south of Cty Rd 2 this afternoon. All the other nests (~15), I viewed were empty. Location: Scriven Line Observer: Anne Anthony

April 3, 2011

Today, Ethan Huner and I went in search of waterfowl for most of the afternoon. We started at Little Lake where duck numbers were down significantly from days earlier. The usual suspects including Ring-necked, Lesser Scaup, Bufflehead, Common Merganser and Read more…