February 16, 2011

Today, there were huge numbers of snowfleas on the snow along the trails of the Kawartha Nordic Ski Club. I saw them on both the Beaver and the Trillium. Location: Haultain, north of Woodview, Ontario Observer: Drew Monkman

February 4, 2011

There was an adult Red-shouldered Hawk in a tree over county road 10 about 100 m south of the 10/7A intersection at Cavan this morning at about 7:30. It was attended by three crows. Location: Cavan, Ontario Observer: Scott McKinlay

February 1, 2011

Today during ski practice at Lakefield College, I saw an immature Bald Eagle circle over the ski track and then fly up river along the Otonabee. Location: Lakefield, Ontario Observer: Luke Berg

January 29, 2011

Thought you would like to know that we saw an absolutely beautiful Bald Eagle this morning. It was flying south over the Otonabee towards Peterborough. We have seen them here before – very exciting! Location: River Road South, Peterborough Observer: Read more…

January 29, 2011

Two Northern Cardinals were in full voice this morning, inspired no doubt by the bright sunshine and relatively mild temperatures. Chickadees, too, were singing enthusiastically. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

January 17, 2011

Last winter, we had a Red-bellied Woodpecker, a male, who stayed all winter and left in the spring. This year we have a female Red-bellied. Location: The Glen [Westview Dr.] near Pigeon Lake Observer: Blair Hamilton

January 15, 2011

I had an adult Cooper’s Hawk in the yard today. It perched on our fence and proceeded to pick apart and devour a small bird it had caught. Location: Montcalm Drive, Peterborough Observer: Margo Hughes