May 12, 2010

Today, I was birding just off of Stewart Line, west of County Rd. 10. At least three Blue-winged Warblers were calling and seemingly on territory. Location: Stewart Line Observer: Drew Monkman

May 8, 2010

This morning, I visited the Cavan Swamp Wildlife Area (North side off of Parkhill/1st Line). A Rose-breasted Grosbreak, Purple Finches (male and two females), Kingfisher, Yellow Warbler, and a Sora (heard) were observed. Three male Bobolinks and several Kestrels were Read more…

May 7, 2010

This evening at about 19:15, Don Sutherland and I noted a large number (150+) of Chimney Swifts swirling about over Charlotte St. in Peterborough. By 19:25, virtually all of them had entered a chimney in the White House Hotel on Read more…

May 6, 2010

Today’s high winds, which made cycling a head -down ride, probably concentrated a large flock of swallows at Omemee pond. Five species were present with Tree Swallows being most numerous and good numbers of Barns as well. 3 Caspian Terns Read more…

May 6, 2010

Bruce Kidd, a farmer in Douro/Dummer Township reports that his full complement of 30-40 Barn and Tree Swallows have now returned. Location: Douro/Dummer Townships Observer: Bruce Kidd

April 18, 2010

Red Trillium, White Trillium, and Blue Cohosh were almost in full bloom today near Buckley’s Lake. This is at least three weeks earlier than the average flowering date. Location: 5th Line of Douro Observer: Drew Monkman

April 12, 2010

My husband and I (both experienced birders who have seen peregrines elsewhere in Canada) saw a Peregrine Falcon flying northward over our home on Old Young’s Point Road today around supper time. The tail and wing shapes were distinctive as Read more…

April 8, 2010

Albeit not rare and around for about a week now, there were 63 Tree Swallows hunting over the river and sitting on a powerline at Trent University yesterday. Seemed like a noteworthy sized flock to me. Location: Trent University Observer: Read more…