June 24, 2009

This morning at about 7:00 a.m., I saw and heard two Sandhill Cranes. They were calling back and forth. Location: 4th Line of Douro, half way between Centre Line and the dead-end of the road Observer: Leo Condon

June 13, 2009

A Pine Siskin showed up at our feeder in Peterborough today. It was the first I’ve seen in the yard in several weeks and a very late sighting for this species. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

June 11, 2009

Jerry Ball found an American Avocet today at the Aspinal’s Farm on Johnson Dr. Directions: Take Monaghan Road south, under the Bypass. It becomes Johnson Dr when it swings west and follows the bypass. Johnson jogs left, then right and Read more…

June 4, 2009

At least two pairs of Common Nighthawks were flying over the fields across from Camp Kawartha (east of Camp Line Road and south of Birchview Road) tonight. The males were doing their diving display and producing the whoosing “hoooov” sound Read more…

May 23, 2009

Migrating Blackpoll Warblers were calling from the trees as hundreds of people milled about at the annual Gilmour Street Garage Sale. Location: Peterborough Observer: Chris Risley

May 14, 2009

A female Rose-breasted Grosbeak showed up at our feeder today. I also had reports of males today, as well, at two separate feeders in the west end of Peterborough. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

May 10, 2009

In Cavan Woods this morning, I had 10 new year birds including: male Scarlet Tanager, Vesper Sparrow, Nashville Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, CommonYellowthroat, Ovenbird, Solitary Sandpiper, and Willow Flycatcher (“whit” call). Location: Cavan Observer: Scott McKinlay

May 7, 2009

White Trilliums are now in bloom in many areas including Champlain Heights Woods and Buckhorn. Location: Peterborough and Buckhorn Observer: Aidan Hickie-Bentzen; Andy Curtis