March 28, 2009

Today, we walked the dogs in Petroglyphs Provincial Park. Five singing male Pine Siskins were heard and after watching a pair for about 10 minutes the female was observed gathering and carrying nesting material to a nearly completed nest ~5-6m Read more…

March 25, 2009

Near Woodview, there was a Red-shouldered Hawk circling over Hwy 28 with a rodent in its clutches. At our backyard feeder a female Red-bellied Woodpecker continues to be an irregular visitor. Location: Woodview Observer: Michael Butler

March 22, 2009

At 2:30 p.m. today, my husband saw 2 Sandhill Cranes in a field on the south side of Stoney Lake Road, approximately 1 km east of County Road 40. Location: Stoney Lake Observer: Maureen Smith

March 17, 2009

I regret to say that the Groundhog that was digging up my backyard last year has survived the winter. It was out sunning himself this afternoon. Location: Peterborough Observer: Anne Anthony

March 13, 2009

Ducks at Little Lake today included Ring- neck Ducks, Common Mergansers, a Red-breasted Merganser, many Hooded Mergansers, Common Goldeneyes and Buffleheads. Location: Little Lake, Peterborough Observer: Ken Rumble

March 8, 2009

On Saturday, March 7, a pair of Merlins was heard/observed displaying over the Avenues area of downtown Peterborough. The male was flying high altitude circuits uttering the distinctive accelerating whinny, and periodically the female was flying over giving the sharp

March 8, 2009

At around noon today, while returning from a walk in Petroglyphs Provincial Park, Lori and I were very surprised to see two Mourning Cloak butterflies: 1 at rest on the pavement of Northey

March 6, 2009

At Little Lake Cemetery, there were 2 Ring-necked Ducks, several Goldeneyes and a very vocal Merlin . At Highland Park Cemetery, there were 50 or more Cedar Waxwings. Location: Little Lake and Highland Park cemeteries in Peterborough Observer: Ken Rumble