March 6, 2009

Our first Red-winged Blackbird showed up this morning in the yard. Singing with it were an American Robin, several American Tree Sparrows, American Goldfinches and a Northern Cardinal. A Song Sparrow was in the yard as well. Spring is near! Read more…

February 25, 2009

During a class trip to the Warsaw Outdoor Education Centre, we enjoyed looking at snowfleas (springtails) on the snow along the cross-country ski trails. Location: Warsaw, Ontario Observer: Drew Monkman and students

February 3, 2009

This afternoon, a small accipter sat in a tree in my yard. It was most likely a Sharp-shinned Hawk, although a male Cooper’s can’t be discounted. (The two species can overlap in size.) Location: Merino Drive, Peterborough Observer: Sue Hill

January 30, 2009

At 4:30 pm, I saw an adult Bald Eagle flying over the Little Lake Cemetery. Lots of Pine Siskins, too, at the feeder today on Ford Crescent in Cavan. Location: Peterborough and Cavan Observer: Ken Rumble

January 27, 2009

I saw a Merlin this morning fly across Marina Blvd near Water Street. There has been at least one bird in this area for several years now. Location: Marina Blvd, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman