To Be a Better Ancestor….and how thinking of the future relates to a carbon tax – James Schaefer

Running is an odd activity.  To non-enthusiasts, it is a mix of monotony and self-inflicted pain.  Yet, in Canada, many adults list running as their favourite participation sport – more than soccer, softball, hunting, fishing, aerobics, or tennis.  Strange pleasures, it seems, are found on the trails and treadmills of Read more…

A journey into the future – a trip across the city to Jackson Park in 2035 gives pause for thought for up-coming municipal election

  It’s mid-May 2035, and I’ve just boarded a bus outside the new downtown condominium complex where my wife and I now live. It’s never more than a 10-minute wait for comfortable, clean and convenient public transit. On this particular morning, I’m heading up to Jackson Park, which is always Read more…

A fall nature almanac

Although fall’s official start is still almost three weeks away, a sense of the new season is already upon us. The blanket of goldenrod in fields and roadsides, the heavy morning mists and the hints of colour change in the leaves all tell us that summer is quickly waning. As Read more…

Is there change in the air? Climate change doesn’t appear to be on radar during this provincial election – especially for PCs

Regular readers of this column probably know that I consider climate change to be the biggest threat facing the natural world and civilization as we know it. Despite repeated warnings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that Earth is barreling straight into climate disaster – just a month Read more…

The Colours of May

Although the flamboyant reds, yellows and oranges of fall always receive the most attention, there is an equally beautiful showing of colour in May. From the radiant white blossoms of serviceberries and trilliums to the fresh, lime‑green leaves of sugar maples, May paints the landscape with a gentle warmth all Read more…