Recent sightings of note

Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) (1) – Reported Feb 03, 2017 10:16 by Iain Rayner – Otonabee River–between Lock 24 and 25, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “Continuing male o n far shore halfway between both locs” Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) (1) – Reported Feb 02, 2017 Read more…

Recent sightings of note

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (2) CONFIRMED – Reported Feb 01, 2017 10:32 by Iain Rayner – Trent River–Drysdale Rd, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “Seen in group of seven swans far downstream. Viewed through scope showed knob on bill and orange colour on bill. Have been Read more…

Update of Jack Lake Fauna Atlas

I recently had the opportunity to update our atlas of Jack Lake fauna with data and observations from 2016 (LINK).  Since this project was initiated in 2013, we (97 individuals have reported information on sightings) have compiled more than 3,000 records involving 488 species (including 26 species at risk).  This is Read more…

Sightings of note

Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) (1) – Reported Jan 12, 2017 15:37 by Martin Parker – Otonabee River–between Lock 23 and 24, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “male – continuing bird” Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) (1) – Reported Jan 13, 2017 15:43 by Martyn Obbard – Gannon Narrows Read more…