More great local sightings!

Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) (1) – Reported Nov 27, 2016 16:30 by Toby Rowland – Peterborough – Little Lake, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “adult in winter plumage” Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) (1) – Reported Nov 27, 2016 16:30 by Toby Rowland – Peterborough – Little Read more…

Recent sightings

Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) (2) – Reported Nov 25, 2016 14:55 by Dave Milsom – Rice Lake–Pengelly Landing, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “small bodies, short bills, in middle of large flock of Canadas.” Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata) (2) – Reported Nov 26, 2016 09:06 by Daniel Read more…

Northern shrikes have arrived!

Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor) (1) – Reported Nov 21, 2016 11:10 by Erica Nol – Office window, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “Windy over field, NOSH flies over feeder and lands on tallest tree near garden fenced area, Clear view of bird.” Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor) Read more…

Great Horned Owl and Peregrine sightings

Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) (1) – Reported Nov 15, 2016 21:00 by Jeff Stewart – 621 Carveth Drive, Millbrook, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “heard hooting near house by Annie” Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) (1) – Reported Nov 16, 2016 12:00 by Basil Conlin – Read more…

Are Red Squirrels OCD?

Here is a picture of our cottage Red Squirrels’ pre-winter stash. Clearly our local squirrels are an OCD lot: note that the cones are not only symmetrically arranged, but the butt ends are all formed like rays around rocks or along the length of a fallen tree! Certainly I have Read more…

Some sightings of note

Black Scoter (Melanitta americana) (2) – Reported Nov 18, 2016 08:30 by Iain Rayner – Chemong Lake–west end of causeway, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “2 Female types 300 M – 500 M north of causeway. IDeable through binoculars.” Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) (1) – Reported Read more…