Interesting waterfowl in area

Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) (2) – Reported Nov 12, 2015 08:50 by Ben Taylor – Norwood Millpond, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-77.978657&ll=44.3876934,-77.978657 – Checklist: – Comments: “smaller, short necked geese mixed in with Canada Geese” Redhead (Aythya americana) (1) – Reported Nov 12, 2015 13:52 by Martin Parker – Read more…

Some recent sightings

A beautiful Sharp-shinned Hawk visited our garden several times over four days in late October. It was quite small… hardly bigger than the Blue Jays it was chasing.   Gwen Forsyth I shot this picture of a Barred Owl in Jackson’s Park on November 1. It was 11:30 AM  right off Read more…

I saw a weasel in my backyard in the west end of Peterborough a couple of weaks ago. Maybe 8″ long. Came from under the deck by the hot tub. Appeared on two separate days around 8:30am. May explain why I haven’t seen any mice this year!  Disappeared after 10 Read more…