May 4, 2013

While scanning for birds at the wetland on University Road today I had my first Green Darner of the year. It was ~1pm but there were still birds around including a Great Crested Flycatcher and an Eastern Kingbird. Observer: Greg

May 3, 2013

Today I had 26 Common Map Turtles basking on logs along the shore of Rice Lake. There were also a few Midland Painted Turtles. (Visit Don’s blog by going to the Links section of this website – D.M.) Observer: Don McLeod

May 2, 2013

Local sightings from 1. Peregrine Falcon: “Sitting atop the MNR Building in Peterborough, eating a black bird, possibly a crow. Another crow was circling around, obviously distressed.”   Observer: Sue Wurtele 2. Purple Martin: Tamarac Golf Club, Ennis Rd. (Ennismore)  Observer: Kim Clark 3. Orchard Oriole: “Seen in top of Read more…

May 1, 2013

Today I walked my dogs from about 6 – 7:30 p.m. at a friends farm in Douro. Highlights were: Eastern Kingbird, FOY (first of the year) Yellow Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, FOY American Bittern, Wilson’s Snipe, FOY Green Heron, and FOY adult male Eastern Towhee. Observer: Luke Berg

May 1, 2013

In the past week at Beavermead and Ecology Park, I have seen the Worm-eating Warbler (seen by many) , Buffleheads, an unidentified grebe, an Osprey, a Northern Leopard Frog, an Eastern Phoebe, a Hairy Woodpecker, Song Sparrows, Northern Cardinals, Red-Winged Blackbirds, White-breasted Nuthatches, a courting pair of Northern Flickers, Red-eared Read more…

May 1, 2013

This morning I walked my dogs at the Pencier trail at the Trent Nature Area.  Highlights: 7 Northern Waterthrush, 1 singing Palm Warbler, a flock of 5 adult male Yellow-rumped Warblers, and 1 singing Black-and-white Warbler. Observer: Luke Berg

May 1, 2013

I heard my first American Toad of the spring this morning. It was “trilling” from the second catchment basin northeast of Chemong Road along the Parkway Trail. Northern Leopard Frogs were making their snoring call in the first basin. Other species along the Trail this morning included Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Yellow-rumped Read more…

May 1, 2013

Today I was photographing some tulips in Peterborough when a bee-fly, probably Bombylius major, came to nectar on the flowers. I managed to get some pictures.  (Note: Bee-flies are amazing creatures. Although they are actually flies (i.e. only have two wings) they have evolved to mimic bees. This allows them Read more…

April 28, 2013

About 25 participants enjoyed the beautiful weather today and overall found 65 species. The highlight stops were the wetland on Douro 9th Line just south of Cty Rd 4 where we saw/heard half a dozen Wilson’s Snipe. Going east along Division Rd we heard several Northern Waterthrush, all of which Read more…

April 27, 2013

This morning I walked my dogs on the Pensier trail at the Trent Nature Area. Highlights were: White-throated Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Northern Waterthrush (1), Winter Wren, Ruffed Grouse drumming, Yellow-rumped Warbler (10), Wood Duck, Caspian Tern, Swamp Sparrow, Common Loon, American Wigeon (pair on canal), Common Merganser, Pileated Woodpecker, and Read more…

April 27, 2013

For the last couple of nights I have been hearing the display sounds of Wilson’s Snipe at the end of my street in the Meade Creek wetland near Tudor Crescent in Peterborough. I hear them every spring and sometimes have seen one fly over my house. Observer: Sue Paradisis

April 22, 2013

Redheads (3 males only in south lagoon) and 3 pairs of Gadwall (in north lagoon) were still at Lakefield Sewage Lagoons at 5 p.m. today. In addition, there were 2 pairs of Northern Shoveler in the north lagoon, approximately 150 Bufflehead, 5 pairs Ring-necked Ducks, 4 pairs Greater/Lesser Scaup plus Read more…

April 22, 2013

Today I saw my first Mourning Cloak Butterfly cruising around , stopping to sun her self. Also some of the native bees are out , carpenter and sweat bees, getting what ever food they can. I have put up some bee houses around the yard made from old hollow cup Read more…

April 20, 2013

This morning there was an adult male White-crowned Sparrow and an Adult male Yellow-rumped Warbler at my feeders along with about 10 Juncos, 3 Song Sparrows, and a Northern Flicker. Luke Location: Benson Ave., Peterborough Observer: Luke Berg

April 17, 2013

This evening from 6:30 – 7:30 I walked the section of the rail trail northwest off Lily Lake. I saw the following birds: Rusty Blackbird 20+, Bohemian waxwing 30, Swamp Sparrow 1, Wilson’s Snipe 5+, Wood Duck 10, Golden and Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and two female Red-winged Blackbirds. There were also Read more…

April 17, 2013

My first of the year for the county seen today: Brown Thrasher – at the junction of Division Rd & Jermyn Line Wilson’s Snipe – in cattail marsh north of rail road north of Hwy 7 on Blezard Line Swamp Sparrows – at least six calling in the same cattail Read more…