March 30, 2013

Lots of early spring migrants seen today, including turkey vulture, killdeer, horned lark, winter wren and wood duck. Last evening heard an American woodcock peenting in the field behind my house. Location: Bethany Observer: Kim Clark

March 29, 2013

JB Jaboor reported to me that he had a Turkey Vulture on Crowley Line yesterday. I had six, myself, today, four in the south of the county and two near Lakefield. One was sitting atop an old barn on Cameron Line south of Hwy 7 – a likely place for Read more…

March 28, 2013

Last evening (March 27, 2013) I spent a little over an hour checking out a few spots around the east end of Rice Lake for waterfowl. Overall I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. The Mather’s Corners meltwater pond is about 10% open now and should fully open this Read more…

March 27, 2013

Waterfowl on Little Lake this morning included several Redhead, American Wigeon, Gadwall, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Hooded and Common Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead and Mallards, all in breeding plumage and activity finery. The merlin was also giving fluttery display flights. Cheers, Sean Location: Little Lake Observer: Sean Smith

March 26, 2013

Today on little lake, I saw hooded merganser, bufflehead, am. widgeon, common goldeneye, redhead, ring necked duck,greater scaup, and common merganser merlin. On March 29 at the zoo, I heard a merlin calling. When I spotted it high up in a white pine, I saw a male merlin swoop down Read more…

March 22, 2013

Today I saw Hooded Merganzers, Ring-necked Ducks , Coot, Merlins, Common Mergansers, mallards, Canada Geese, Common Goldeneyes and Buffleheads in and around Little Lake Cemetery. Location: Little Lake Cemetery Observer: Ken Rumble

March 21, 2013

There were 3 tundra swans on the Otonabee River on the north side of Lock 24 at 4 pm this afternoon. Got a very close look with my scope, and could see the yellow on the bill of one of them. Kim Clark – Bethany Location: Lock 24, Otonabee River Read more…

March 21, 2013

A great blue heron just flew by in this snowstorm. Poor thing..probably looking for open water. Buckhorn Lake.. Kawartha Hideway. JP Location: Kawartha Hideway, Buckhorn Lake Observer: Jane Philpott

March 21, 2013

Evening Grosbeaks come to my feeder on a daily basis, and have been doing so since the fall. Location: 209 Zion Line, 1st concession south of Millbrook, near the western end of it. Sitting in middle of 62 acres of old Xmas tree farm. Observer: Jim Lloyd

March 19, 2013

Today, I had a male Ring-necked Pheasant in my yard. It stayed most of the day. (Pheasants turn up around Peterborough several times a year but where they are coming from – someone’s escaped pet? – is a mystery. D.M.) Location: McCrae Drive, Peterborough Observer: Liliana Perez

March 18, 2013

Tonight I had the pleasure of having a Great Horned Owl pay a brief visit to my yard. It landed on the roof of the house and I was able to see the long tufts on the head and even the talons. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay long. Location: Warsaw Observer: Read more…

March 18, 2013

It is good to have the birds returning. With the cooper’s hawk hanging around so much this winter, things were quiet at my feeders compared to other years. Yesterday there were 12 different species including 6 immature pine grosbeaks and 6 redpolls. Sue Paradisis Location: Tudor Cres. Peterborough Observer: Sue Read more…

March 17, 2013

I just got back from the Garden Hill pond where there were 2700 Canada Geese. In amongst them there were at least 10 Cackling Geese, 6 American Wigeon, 2 Hooded Merganser, and 1 Blue Morph Snow Goose. There was also 1 Cedar Waxwing. To reach the pond turn right off Read more…

March 16, 2013

This morning we had two adult and one juvenile Trumpeter Swans at Gannon Narrows. They were swimming in the open water between the Gannon Narrows Bridge and Fothergill Island. Lots of ducks and geese as well. Location: Gannon’s Narrows Observer: Jim Watt

March 14, 2013

A Great Gray Owl was seen and photographed this afternoon on the west side of County Road 10, just north of Cavan near Morton Line. It was gone by the end of the day and, despite a lot of searching, was never relocated. Location: Cavan village Observer: reported to Martin Read more…

March 13, 2013

A drive along the edge of Little Lake through the cemetery today produced 30+ Hooded Mergansers, 10 Common Mergansers, 5 Lesser Scaup, 6 Buffleheads, 1 Ring-necked Duck, 1 American Wigeon, 50+ Mallards, 1 Black Duck, 100+ Canada Geese, 1 Merlin and 1 adult Bald Eagle. Location: Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough Read more…

March 12, 2013

With ice disappearing, a quick survey of Little Lk. yielded: 3 Gadwall, 3 Greater Scaup, 50+ Hooded Mergansers, 35+ Ring-necked Ducks, and more Bufflehead than recently. Definitely heard a Killdeer, but still have not seen it. Robins now becoming common. Still one adult Glaucous Gull here today. Lots of American Read more…

March 11, 2013

Wood Ducks, Northern Pintail, Gadwall, Mallards, Canada Geese, American Widgeon, Ring-necked Ducks, Scaup Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Common Mergansers and Hooded Mergansers are all at Little Lake today. Location: Little Lake, Ptbo Observer: Ken Rumble

March 11, 2013

March-first of season for me Northern Flicker and first I’ve ever had eating suet (north of TASSS). Thought I heard a Killdeer over Little Lk. Location: TASSS, Little Lake Observer: Sean Smith

March 11, 2013

Today the trees were full of Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles and European Starlings.. just arrived. Heard a Killdeer flying in the area as well. The waters at Gannons Narrows (County Road 16/Lakehurst Road)are really open now .. full of diving ducks, Canada Geese. Great birding for sure. You can park Read more…

March 11, 2013

A small flock of Common Grackles was in downtown Lakefield today. Jerry Ball and I saw half-a-dozen Killdeer on Lakeshore Rd between Newcastle and Port Hope today so they should be in the county any time now. We did have just one Horned Lark at Cty Rd 2 and Scrivens Read more…

March 11, 2013

First heard, than saw through the fog a flock of swans (Trumpeter?) flying over Fothergill Island in Pigeon Lake heading southwest. Also, neighbours have seen several robins today. Location: Fothergill Island, Piegeon Lake Observer: Rose Rogers

March 10, 2013

Walking my dog this morning, alongside the Lakefield Marsh, I was glad to hear the calls of half-a-dozen Red-winged Blackbirds. Also the Canada Geese had become very vocal, choosing mates, and disputing territories. Yesterday a male Northern Harrier was quartering the marsh where they normally breed. Two male Hooded Mergansers Read more…