March 10, 2013

Today at noon I had a quick look at Little Lake to find a good assortment of ducks including 2 American Wigeon, 5 Hooded Mergansers, 2 Ring-necked Ducks some Buffleheads and the big find was a single Male Canvasback that flew in during my visit. In addition there were the Read more…

March 10, 2013

Walking my dog this morning, alongside the Lakefield Marsh, I was glad to hear the calls of half-a-dozen Red-winged Blackbirds. Also the Canada Geese had become very vocal, choosing mates, and disputing territories. Yesterday a male Northern Harrier was quartering the marsh where they normally breed. Two male Hooded Mergansers Read more…

March 10, 2013

This morning, I heard my first American Robin in the neighbourhood since late last fall. Not singing but calling loudly. Strong smell of Striped Skunk last night, too, as males are “on the prowl” searching out females. Location: Maple Cres. Observer: Drew Monkman

March 07, 2013

I found another Cecropia Moth cocoon in the field . All the ones I found have been on Buckthorn although it is not a host plant listed. I have brought it home and hopefully it will emerge this spring. Have read that this species is in decline due to the Read more…

March 07, 2013

We came to our cottage on Lower Buckhorn Lake today and around 5:00 pm I spotted what I thought was an eagle flying in front of the cottage over the open water. We realized afterwards that this was actually an Osprey. Two of them landed on the ice at the Read more…

March 07, 2013

I just had a flock of over 150 Bohemian Waxwings in my yard. They were feeding in the crab apple and getting birch seeds from a shed roof. Location: Tudor Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Sue Paradisis

March 06, 2013

Drake Red-breasted Merganser still on Otonabee, cemetary and rail bridge, below Little Lake. Near tail-less imm. Cooper’s Hawk in trees around St Georges United, McDonnell & George (this is at least the third time this winter I’ve had an accipiter in a downtown churchyard – perhaps I’m missing the message) Read more…

February 24, 2013

I had an Eastern Screech Owl, today, taking a snooze on a ledge outside my shed. “Early this morning my dog Earl, sitting on his couch in front of the HD window, as we call it, let out ear piercing barks that made his body bounce at an intruder in Read more…

February 24, 2013

From the vantage of Old Young’s Point Rd at Miller Creek, an adult (presumably the female) Bald Eagle could be seen sitting low in the nest. The other adult was observed in flight N over the open lead immediately east of the mouth of Miller Creek. Location: Young’s Point Road Read more…

February 24, 2013

At least three Northern Cardinals were singing lustfully at 8:00 a.m. this morning – all more or less at the same time – in our neighbourhood. This is the most cardinal song I’ve heard this “pre-spring.” Location: Maple Cres., Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

February 23, 2013

On a fairly mild Saturday, sixteen sharp-eyed participants enjoyed a couple of hours looking for wintering birds and signs of spring along on the Otonabee River on the annual Peterbrough Field Naturalists’ Heritage Week field trip offering. The river has very few open areas from Lakefield to below Lock 19 Read more…

February 23, 2013

On the Friday of the Great Backyard Bird Count, February 15, I was fascinated to witness around noon, a Northern Shrike chase a common house sparrow right into the window I was observing from! The Northern Shrike then dropped to the veranda holding the sparrow down with its claws. It Read more…

February 22, 2013

Since November we have had a flock of up to 27 Evening Grosbeaks. 10 years ago we saw them regularly on their migration path but this is the first time since then. And surprisingly enough, they have stayed all winter. Far fewer Blue Jays than usual, however. Location: north shore Read more…

February 22, 2013

A dozen Pine Grosbeaks were feeding in the trees in the Lakefield Campsite beside the marsh this lunchtime. The number of Common Goldeneyes in and south of Lakefield has steadily climbed this last week as they gradually inch northwards. A Sharp-shinned Hawk was hunting around Clementi Rd. Location: Lakefield Observer: Read more…

February 18, 2013

1 male Hooded Merganser with 3 male Common Goldeneye on Otonabee river in stretch of open water, seen by walking down path at the end of Carolyn street; follow the ATV tracks to the rivers edge where you can see open water. Location: Johnston Drive, Peterborough Observer: Matthew Tobey

February 15, 2013

Today, I saw a Red-breasted Merganser (female-type) on the Otonabee River beside the Little Lake Cemetery. Location: SE corner of Little Lake Cemetery under old railway bridge Observer: Mike Burrell

February 15, 2013

Since retiring I have developed some new habits and one is standing at the back window watching activity in the yard. After a recent light snowfall my wife, Lynn , threw some bread pieces on the deck. I was not surprised at all to see a large American Crow swoop Read more…

February 14, 2013

We feed the birds regularly in our yard and have an abundance of all the “usual” visitors to the feeders. Over the past few weeks, we have had regular visits from a Cooper’s Hawk. He/she is very large and is also predatory on the songbirds. We have had a few Read more…

February 10, 2013

I was skiing with my wife along the York River in the south township of Algonquin Park today. We were bush-wacking through untracked snow and saw male and female Fisher tracks. The male seemed attentive to the female. Last year about the same time I saw similar tracks in the Read more…

February 07, 2013

Today at 2 pm, a mature Bald Eagle flew into a tree on my driveway. We’re on a farm just south of Norwood, ON. The bird stayed there for over an hour and I got some good photos. It’s the first Bald Eagle I’ve seen in Ontario Location: Norwood Observer: Read more…

February 04, 2013

Since November, we have had two Gray Jays coming to our feeder. They were here again today, and I was able to get pictures of them. We also have a number of Coyotes in the area which have also been photographed. Location: 2167, County Road 507, just south of Mississauga Read more…