December 15, 2012

This evening, a Red Fox, likely the one that dens near TASSS, was ‘howling/yipping’ up a storm in the dark and con’td even when I approached closely. This is an unnerving sound and not exactly musical. I’m wondering though, if even in the midst of ‘late fall’, whether it could Read more…

December 14, 2012

This morning, there was a hen Hooded Merganser on Otonabee R. offshore Meadowvale Park, w. of TASSS. (Also hen Cm. Goldeneye.) & an immature Great Black-backed Gull is currently over Little Lake. Location: Otonabee River at TASSS and Little Lake Observer: Sean Smith

December 14, 2012

Today I saw an adult Great Black-backed Gull on the Otonabee River at Millenium Place near the CPR bridge. Location: Otonabee River at Millenium Place near the CPR bridge. Observer: Hillary Dickson

December 13, 2012

I have a White-throated Sparrow coming very sporadically to my feeder with a small flock of juncoes. I only see the bird about once every two or three days. Location: 51 Maple Cres. Observer: Drew Monkman

December 09, 2012

Today , Marianne Clark, Klara Jones and I walked a portion of the Kawartha Nordic Ski trails (Kawartha Trail from the main cabin N to the Otter and back). Overall, bird activity was relatively quiet but we did have the following of note: RED CROSSBILL

December 09, 2012

Walking the rail trail between Blezard and Cameron Lines a large flock of about 300 Common Redpolls flew in and landed near me. At my feeder in Lakefield a small flock of a dozen Pine Siskins came to feed after an absence of about three weeks. Yesterday morning I saw Read more…

December 06, 2012

Today I was at my friends house and we saw a Snow Goose circling over the railroad tracks on the 6th line of asphodel in between division road and highway 7. It is almost certainly roosting in the corn fields in the area. Location: 6th line of Asphodel in between Read more…

December 06, 2012

In early December, we had a juvenile Cooper’s Hawk land in our backyard near St. Catherine’s school in the west end of Peterborough. It was only six feet from my window and a beautiful bird. Location: west end of Peterborough Observer: Noreen Kirkland

December 06, 2012

Today I saw an almost entirely white Long-tailed Weasel just outside my patio door, adjacent to the playground at Highland Heights School Location: Highland Road, just east of Highland Heights School Observer: Marion Kafka

December 04, 2012

Here is a posting that is probably an example of climate change in action. It is from Eastern Ontario. Imagine, Spring Peepers callling in December! 10:12AM -0500 > Green, Bull, Mink, and Leopard frogs and a fair number of Dew Worms active on the roads near the intersection of Limerick Read more…

December 03, 2012

Today I was at my friends house and we saw a Snow Goose circling over the railroad tracks on the 6th line of Asphodel in between Division Road and Highway 7. It is almost certainly roosting in the corn fields in the area because that is where it was as Read more…

November 30, 2012

We are currently attracting 12 or more Bohemian Waxwings, feeding off the flowering crab tree….. good start to tomorrow’s winter bird list. Location: David Fife Line, Keene Observer: Michael Gillespie

November 30, 2012

We have always been blessed with a variety of backyard birds, and in the past two weeks have enjoyed flocks of 80 or more Bohemian Waxwings landing in our Mountain-Ash and flowering crab trees. Location: Bethany Observer: Patricia Parks

November 30, 2012

In addition to the Bohemian Waxwings (3-4 dozen) visiting the crab apple tree, I have had a male Northern Flicker 4 mornings now eating from the suet ball. FYI the suet balls I buy at Griffin’s Greenhouses are preferred by the birds over the cakes. They love the balls! Location: Read more…

November 26, 2012

This afternoon approximately 200 Bohemian Waxwings in four separate groups flew over my house in Bethany heading west. One group of 59 landed in a walnut tree in my yard and stayed for about 15 minutes before flying off. Location: Bethany, Ontario Observer: Kim Clark

November 26, 2012

I saw 175 to 200 Bohemian Waxwings at Highland Park Cemetery. A Merlin is still visiting Little Lake Cemetery, along with a Pileated Woodpecker. Location: Highland Park and Little Lake cemeteries Observer: Ken Rumble

November 22, 2012

I was walking the trail in East City (just walked north of Hunter St. for a block) and saw masses of Bohemian Waxwings in the high mature trees. They had such a soft calling voice. It was a beautiful late morning and seeing and hearing these beautiful birds was such Read more…

November 22, 2012

I was walking by Little Lake Cemetery and I saw a flock of several hundred Bohemian Waxwings high in the trees and eating berries from a Mountain-Ash. It was amazing. Location: Little Lake Cemetery Observer: Karen Mooney

November 15, 2012

I saw a single imm./female White-winged Crossbill today at planted evergreens at Beavermead Park. Ducks change everyday on Little Lake. Today there is a hen Red-breasted Merganser and hen Common Merganser, diving together Location: Beavermead Park and Little Lake Observer: Sean Smith