September 1, 2012

Today I had 15 Common Nighthawks circling over my house. First I thought they were swallows,but they were too big. I took out my bird guide and clearly saw the markings (white bands close to the body) on the underside of the wings. Location: Havelock Observer: Ulrike Kullik

August 25, 2012

On August 17th, Jane and I searched five patches of Prickly Ash on a ten acre property near Belmont Lake, and saw a combined total of more than 80 larvae of Giant Swallowtail, (representing all five instars), plus an additional five eggs at one of the sites. I would expect Read more…

August 24, 2012

I had a Great Spangled Fritillary laying eggs near our violets. Since I let areas of our yard go wild, I have had many different types of violets fill in which has brought in other fritillaries as well. This one is as big as a monarch. These caterpillars will over Read more…

August 24, 2012

We had a particularly rich insect chorus in our backyard last night. Among the voices – sounding almost like an insect version of an American Toad – was a Narrow-winged Tree Cricket (Oecanthus niveus). Its 2 to 10 second trill is separated by several seconds of silence. Location: Maple Crescent, Read more…

August 23, 2012

Monarchs continue to be quite common this summer. We usually have two or three in our garden at any one time (often on pink phlox). I saw three on a patch of Joe-Pye Weed in Algonquin Park this week. Driving between Buckhorn and Selwyn today, at least eight flew across Read more…

August 21, 2012

I just had a Giant Swallowtail on my new hop tree [less than a week after planting].The tip of her her abdomen was going onto the leaves and layed 7 – 10 eggs. Lets hope the eggs hatch! Location: The Glen, Pigeon Lake Observer: Blair Hamilton

August 8, 2012

We had Giant Swallowtail hanging around our yard the past week. This one comes and goes. I’ve heard there were more sightings near Ottawa. The wings are so big they actually seem to roll like a wave when she flaps them. Later today, we had another one come by and Read more…

August 6, 2012

So pleased and excited as for the past 3 nights at dusk ,, bats have been flying around our property on Buckhorn Lake. We have not seen bats for 2 summers, since the white nose was diagnosed. I do not know what kind but look larger than the little brown Read more…

August 6, 2012

While birding the southern part of the county today I encountered nine Giant Swallowtails at four locations: 3rd Line east of Bensfort Bridge (2-worn); Hiawatha Line south of Herkimer Pt Rd (1-fairly fresh); just east of Villiers on Peterborough Rd 2 (1-fairly fresh); and east of Birdsalls on River Rd Read more…

August 4, 2012

Jerry Ball and I have been doing our usual butterfly searches throughout the summer and have noted Giant Swallowtails as early as May through to the present. The earliest was noted at his farm at Base Line and Heritage Line by Robert Difruscia where he was seeing them regularly. I Read more…

August 4, 2012

I saw a Giant Swallowtail today just off of Birchview Road, about three kilometres east of McCracken’s Landing on Stony Lake. The butterfly looked rather ragged with a large part of its left hindwing missing. According to the NatureList Google Group for eastern Ontario, the first Giant Swallowtail caterpillar ever Read more…

August 4, 2012

This morning between 0600 and 0740 while scanning the exposed mud at the Briar Hill Bird Sanctuary pond for the Short-billed Dowitcher that has been reported by various observers, I found an adult Baird’s Sandpiper foraging with four Least Sandpipers (1 adult and 3 juveniles). Though over 200m distant, through Read more…

August 2, 2012

The Peregrine Falcon was seen again today on the OMNR building on Water Street. Location: OMNR Building at Water and Charlotte streets (perches usually on west side of building) Observer: Bill Crins

August 2, 2012

We recently had an American Bittern on our property on Chemong Lake off the 12th Line of Smith. We were surprised at the sighting as we have never seen any bird like this before. We checked our bird books and looked it up on the web before we identified it, Read more…

August 1, 2012

If you’re down at the Silver Bean Cafe at Millenium Park, watch for Caspian Terns sitting on the rock island with the Ring-billed Gulls. Location: Millenium Park, Water Street, Peterborough Observer: Colin Jones

July 28, 2012

A pair of Merlins nested in our next door neighbour’s pine tree. They fledged three young and all were flying around the neighborhood for a month. Location: Algonquin Blvd, Peterborough Observer: Mike Barker

July 28, 2012

Today, I was delighted to see four Sandhill Cranes – two adults and two young – on Tara Road. They were gliding into a grain field that has been harvested. Beautiful sight! Location: Tara Road, Ennismore Observer: Jim Watt

July 26, 2012

On Monday afternoon we had some heavy rain, and the largest hail I have ever seen in my years living here. It was just a bit smaller that golf balls. I live about a mile up from the causeway. There is a hydro pole, at the 4 way stop and Read more…

July 24, 2012

The first signs of fall are upon us. Yesterday, I could see Tree Swallows flocking (about 30). They were gone today. Biggest surprise sighting of the summer – our first Green Heron. Location: Douro-Dummer Township Observer: Bruce Kidd

July 24, 2012

I saw a Bald Eagle flying here on Colville Island for the first time ever. We have always had an Osprey nest, but this is the first eagle. How wonderful. An absolutely stunning bird. Location: Colville Island, Stoney Lake Observer: Sarah Kline

July 23, 2012

I saw a Virginia Opossum on the side of the road near the medical centre on the Bridgenorth highway this morning. Unfortunately it had been hit (gently but fatally) by a vehicle but was still easily id’d as a Virginia Opossum. You can’t mistake that face for any other animal. Read more…

July 22, 2012

I had a very cooperative Carolina Wren on the sunflower feeder this morning around 8:00 am. I got a very good look at it and was able to clearly see all its field markings. Location: Tudor Crescent Observer: Sue Paradisis

July 20, 2012

Today I saw a Pandorus Sphinx moth (Eumorpha pandorus). It is nearly all green and quite beautiful. (Note: Its host plants are grape and Virginia creeper. It is listed as fairly common in northeastern North America and is closely related to the Hummingbird Clearwing which nectars at flowers like hummingbirds Read more…

July 17, 2012

Today, I had a Hummingbird Clearwing moth coming to my flower garden. I didn’t recognize it as an insect at first but thought rather that it was a small hummingbird. Location: Allum Road, Peterborough Observer: Eric Munro