April 20, 2012
Both my Juneberry and Pin Cherry are in full bloom in my yard today. This is at least three weeks earlier than usual. Location: Maple Cres. Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
Both my Juneberry and Pin Cherry are in full bloom in my yard today. This is at least three weeks earlier than usual. Location: Maple Cres. Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
I spotted an Eastern Towhee in my backyard this morning. Unfortunately no photo. He moved too quickly. But he was pecking like a chicken under my bird feeders looking for a few scraps. Then a rabbit ran after him and he flew away! Location: Television Road, Peterborough Observer: Brenda Ibey
Bob Prentice and I went looking for butterflies today and found eleven species on Hubble Rd, Devil
Yesterday, April 19, Jerry Ball and I explored the roads north of Bobcaygeon and Buckhorn and found a wide variety of species. We covered Ties Mountain Road, Charlie Allen Road, Tates Road, Galway-Cavendish Forest Access Road, Pencil Lake Road and Salmon Lake Road. Butterflies recorded were 140+ Red Admirals (including Read more…
I was pleased to see and hear a Hermit Thrush while walking my dogs on the DePencier trail at TUNA this morning.. FIrst one for me this spring. Location: Trent University Nature Area Observer: Jennifer Budgell
This morning I walked the Trent Nature Area trails on the canal side of University Drive. Over the 2.5 hrs I was there, I saw at least three dozen Red Admirals and one American Lady. Obviously, they survived the -7C temperatures last night with no problem. Other species of interest Read more…
I live in Cornwall, and I experienced this same strange phenomena on Monday (April 16) evening. It occurred about 6 p.m. and I happened to look out on my balcony and saw many butterflies flying around the side of my building, some resting on my balcony. I live on the Read more…
I, too, had Red Admirals flying in my backyard in London in astounding numbers, commencing last Saturday, April 14 in the afternoon. At first there were only a few, perhaps half-a-dozen. By 17:30 on Monday, April 16, my best guess is that there were between 75 – 100, at any Read more…
I have been seeing Red Admiral butterflies since the week of April 9th in the east end of GTA. Location: Greater Toronto Area (east end) Observer: Eileen Randall
Today I saw large numbers of American Lady butterflies in Whitby. This close relative of the Red Admiral (same genus) is also migratory. It would appear that the Ladies are also part of this huge butterfly movement from the southern states northward into Canada. Location: Whitby Observer: Tony Bigg
Cool tempertures today (max: 9 C) made butterfly activity almost non-existent. There was only one report of a Red Admiral flying. Location: Peterborough Observer: Erica Nol
This afternoon with the wind came beautiful “Red Admiral” butterflies everywhere and still tonight [7:16], they are continuing to entertain us. Never have seen this, so many in one place. Lynne – Location: Springbrooke Drive, Peterborough Observer: Lynne Kemp
I counted 42 Red Admirals while walking the dog around the block at 6 p.m. Location: Westbrook Drive, Peterborough Observer: Martin Parker
Further afield, this morning while birding in the Stratford/Mitchell area there were Red Admirals everywhere, quite literally — so presumably the phenomenon involved a huge area and huge numbers… I’ve never seen anything like it. Location: Stratford/Mitchell area Observer: Jarmo Jalava
My wife counted 1 Question Mark and 20 Red Admirals in our yard in the space of five minutes! It would appear that they are being blown in on the strong, south-westerly winds. I was still seeing admirals in downtown Peterborough at 6:00 p.m., flying about in shaded areas.The admirals Read more…
When I arrived home at noon I noticed a butterly in our front garden so I got my camera to take a pic. When I returned outside there was a profusion of butterlies – mostly Red Admirals, with at least one Question Mark in the garden . In all the Read more…
Colin Jones reports that currently, in what is probably an unprecedented mass migration (both in numbers and timing
Following everyone else I saw many Red Admirals today, some nectaring on Coltsfoot and some on Willow blooms. First for the year for me, I also saw several Spring Azures (Trent Wildlife Sanctuary and Charlie Allen Rd), a Mustard White (Charlie Allen Rd), and an Eastern Pine Elfin (Charlie Allen Read more…
Two flowers on one of my tulips opened today. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
There are currently three pairs of Wood Ducks at the pond on the north side of County Road 16 beside the Gannon’s Narrows Conservation Area. At least one pair is known to be nesting in the nearby trees. The others may use the boxes that have been set up for Read more…
Today I had my first Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (male) of the year. It was quietly excavating its typical small, shallow holes in an Austrian pine. It spent most of the day in the same tree. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
Trumpeter Swans J81 and J88 were photographed this morning on Chemong Lake, north of Fowler’s Corners. The same birds (along with J84) were seen on Rice Lake on March 30. Location: Chemong Lake Observer: Sandy Brack
Our backyard feeder is still busy with goldfinches (12+), juncoes (6), Pine Siskins (2) and the odd Purple Finch. At least one of the male goldfinches is almost in breeding plumage. Pine Siskins are present in large flocks at at least one feeder in Warsaw, too. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Read more…
For the past six years, I’ve had the same Black-capped Chickadee with a white head coming to my cottage feeder. I have to assume that it’s the same bird. Now that seems old for a chickadee! Location: Chemong Lake Observer: Janet Flinn
I live on Cameron Street in Peterborough on the Otonabee River. Today at around 5 p.m. I looked out the window to see a Trumpeter Swan at the waters edge. He has two yellow tags with the identification J82. He is not shy and came right up to me as Read more…
A Sora was calling in the Lakefield Marsh at 9:15 am this morning. Location: Lakefield Marsh Observer: Tony Bigg
Last night, in an attempt to trap Raccoons that are digging up our lawn, I trapped a Virginia Opossum. Location: Bridgenorth Observer: Bob Hardill
On an Easter Weekend hike through Petroglyphs Provincial Park, I did the loop around Nannabush Lake and came across an Eastern Hog-nosed Snake. I think it may have been a young one. I also saw a lot of Wild Turkeys and Great Blue Herons. Location: Petroglyphs Provincial Park Observer: Andrew Read more…
My wife & I saw a Bald Eagle on Pigeon Lake this morning. We saw it from our cottage on Grenadier Island just south of the Narrows. We have an Osprey nesting on our property but the eagle was distinctive by its size, white head & wing tips. Location: Pigeon Read more…
Leading the Peterborough Field Naturalist Sunday morning walk today we found a total of 25 Wilson