November 18, 2011

Since early November, and now with snow on the ground, I still hear American Robins singing every morning. (N.B. There appear to still be large numbers of robins around, probably because of abundant wild food in many areas. It is not uncommon for robins to sing sporadically in the fall. Read more…

November 10, 2011

Today, a group of four of us birded from Peterborough to Algonquin Park. Some of the highlights included 1 Northern Shrike (Co Rd 19 in Peterborough), 10 Hooded Mergansers and 3 Common Mergansers (Otonabee River), 100+ Buffleheads (Lakefield Sewage Lagoons), 30 Ring-necked Ducks and 1 Red-necked Grebe (Paudash Lake), an Read more…

November 6, 2011

Around midday today, November 6th, I checked Pigeon Lake northeast from the Sandy Point Rd vantage. There were still two Common Loons as well as 4 Red-necked Grebes, 4 Bufflehead, several dozen Ring-billed Gulls and a few Herring Gulls. Don Location: Pigeon Lake Observer: Don Sutherland

November 2, 2011

I saw an Eastern Comma and a Clouded Sulphur flying in the Robert Johnston EcoForest today. One Hermit Thrush was still present. I also saw four more Clouded Sulphurs on the Base Line to David Fife rail trail. Location: Robert Johnston EcoForest (185 Douro 5th Line) and Base Line Observer: Read more…

November 2, 2011

I witnessed a unique visitor this morning about 10:30 am from my cabin window and crossing the end of my driveway about 200 feet away from the cabin. It was a very large beige coloured cat with a long tail. It looked too big to be a Bobcat or Canada Read more…

November 1, 2011

I just wanted to report sighting of a Northern Shrike by myself and Brendan Boyd today at around 3:00pm at the Peterborough Airport. It was in the grass just off Runway 27, then flew up to sit on the sign for “D” taxiway. Also, a week or so ago (October Read more…

October 30, 2011

Highlights of the Peterborough Field Naturalist Sunday morning outing to the Pigeon Lake area included 6 Common Loon, 2 Hooded Merganser, 1000+ Canada Geese, 2 Red-tailed Hawks, 1 Kestrel, 500 Red-winged Blackbirds, and numerous small flocks of American Tree Sparrows. Location: Pigeon Lake area Observer: PFN

October 30, 2011

I birded several spots this morning, October 30th. The highlights were a juvenile Red-throated Loon at Sandy Point on Pigeon Lake, and a Red-bellied Woodpecker on nearby Elm Lodge Rd. The loon was 250-400m NNW of the north end of Sandy Point Rd at the turnaround and boat launch. The Read more…

October 27, 2011

Today, a Fox Sparrow made a brief appearance in our yard and fed on niger seed scattered on the ground. It was accompanied by three White-throated Sparrows and a half dozen Dark-eyed Juncos. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

October 24, 2011

I saw four Trumpeter Swans on the island above Lock 23 on the Otonabee River at 5 pm today. This reminds me that I glimpsed an article in one of the local papers a month or so ago, reporting an injured Trumpeter Swan

October 17, 2011

For years, a golden eagle makes its way across our property in the fall and in the spring. It was spotted again today. It usually perches on the same dead tree for about an hour or so. I am curious about its possible migration route and I was wondering if Read more…

October 9, 2011

I saw a small group (6) of Rusty Blackbirds on the Baseline to Settlers rail trail this morning. Other birds of interest seen were Yellow-rumped Warblers, Common Yellowthroat, Blue-headed Vireos (3), Eastern Phoebe, Gray Catbird, Green-winged Teal, Sharp-shinned Hawk, and Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Six species of butterly were still around – Read more…

October 9, 2011

Today I heard a Song Sparrow singing repeatedly along the Trans-Canada trail, west of Jackson Park. On Oct. 8, I had a late Monarch, along with two Merlins (calling repeatedly) at Munroe Island on Stony Lake. Location: Jackson Park, Peterborough; Stony Lake Observer: Drew Monkman

October 5, 2011

We have been cottaging on Salmon Lake in the Kawarthas for over 50 years . This is the first summer we have not had bats swooping over the lake at sunset. Having spoken to a number of people on the lake, I know the absence is widespread. (Note: There is Read more…

October 4, 2011

Whilst walking my dog today in the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary I saw more birds, except perhaps for large flocks of blackbirds flying over, than I have ever seen there before. The open area, where the swallow nest boxes are, had warblers everywhere, especially along the west and southern sides. I Read more…

October 2, 2011

Large numbers of White-throated Sparrows finally arrived in our yard today, not doubt as a result of the cold front that moved in. There has also been a lot of Turkey Vulture migration this weekend, too, and lots of Golden-crowned Kinglets moving through. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

October 1, 2011

Today, at about 4:15 p.m. I was watching a group of 23 Turkey Vultures that were circling quite low in the strong winds, when an odd-looking hawk suddenly joined them. Quickly it was easy to see that it was a first year light morph Swainson`s Hawk, with pointed wing tips, Read more…

September 18, 2011

Today, we saw a Giant Swallowtail as it flew down Preston Road, stopping a couple of times on sapling foliage, before finally flying north of the one-lane bridge and up the river out of site. Location: Crowe River at Preston Road and Fish Hatchery Road, east of Cordova Mines, Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Read more…

August 28, 2011

We have had at least one Giant Swallowtail around our place (near Stewart Hall) for at least two weeks. They traverse the west facing edge of our maple bush edge and lite in sunny patches of low shrubs and trees as well as feeding (?) on fragrant white phlox, yellow Read more…

August 27, 2011

At about 7:45 p.m. this evening, we too had a visit from a Giant Swallowtail in our front yard at 51 Maple Crescent in the west end of Peterborough. I saw a second one on August 29 near Lily Lake on the rail-trail. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

August 16, 2011

Today, at the boat launch off the far east end of Round Lake Road, I watched a Giant Swallowtail flitting about and occasionally landing on leaves, for about a minute, before it disappeared into a farm field across the road. Location: Round Lake, Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Twsp Observer: Tim Dyson

August 7, 2011

These last few days I have watched as jet-black, 1 and 1/4 inch Great Black Wasps (Sphex pensylvanicus) have been depositing dead or paralysed Praying Mantis into the skimmer box of my pool. So far, they have put more than a dozen mantis in the skimmer, entering by small holes Read more…

July 27, 2011

Last night we wandered past our pond and were able to get a good look at three Green Herons. We see them flying over, but not often this close, hopping around in the trees. I think there are one adult and four or five young. The one at least looked Read more…

July 19, 2011

On the drive into work this morning 7:30 am spotted three Sandhill Cranes in the field at the corner of Smith 14th concession and Birchbend Rd. near Upper Chemong Lake. Location: Upper Chemong Lake Observer: Fred Irons

June 29, 2011

We saw another Indigo Bunting this evening while walking the dog along the road directly south of the airport (Moncrief Line). It was sitting on a wire above the bridge, vocalizing its dual-noted song. Sherry Hambly Location: Moncrief Line Observer: Sherry Hambly