March 15, 2011

Tonight I heard a Merlin screaming at the corner of Rogers and Sophia streets in East City, and yes, also I heard Red-winged Blackbirds at the university. Location: Peterborough Observer: Erica Nol

March 13, 2011

There was a bit of excitement in our front yard this afternoon. All at the same time, we saw a Red-bellied Woodpecker, a downy and a hairy, a Common Grackle and a flock of goldfinches.. The goldfinches have stayed around our feeder all winter..a first here. A couple of months Read more…

March 13, 2011

We saw a Bald Eagle on our neighbour’s property. It was perched in a tree for about a half hour, at about 9:00 am. We live on the east side of Omemee, south side of the road. Location: Omemee Observer: Trudie Kroon & Bruce Flemons

March 10, 2011

A pair of Hooded Mergansers were on the Otonabee River between Locks 23 and 24. The Red-necked Grebe was still present at the same location and kept chasing the mergansers when they approached too close. The grebe would dive and surface close to a mergasner then flutter across the water Read more…

March 9, 2011

Around noon today there was an adult Bald Eagle flying around the Trent campus, first near the rec centre field and then north of the bridge. On monday at the Trent Nature Area, the Barred Owl was still hunting the roadside (University Rd.) and there were 15 Bohemian Waxwings at Read more…

March 9, 2011

I live on Creekwood Dr., off Spillsbury, backing off Harper Woods. As I write this at 10 minutes to 6 on Wed., our neighbourhood is swarming with American Crows, and I mean swarming, even in this storm. There maybe several hundred roosting, facing the wind, flying about and giving one Read more…

March 4, 2011

Today about 11 a.m. at a small pond at a private residence on Deramore Trail, just off Curve Lake Rd close to Buckhorn Rd., a Bald Eagle was diving at a flock of ducks. I watched for about 30 seconds until the eagle moved off into the distance away from Read more…

February 28, 2011

I saw my first Horned Larks of the spring today on Cty Rd 2 just east of Bailieboro. They normally show up in the last week of February somewhere in the county. This year they only just made it. Location: Bailieboro Observer: Tony Bigg

February 27, 2011

At about noon today, there was a winter plumage Red-necked Grebe on the Otonabee River between Locks 22 and 23. The number of Common Goldeneye and Common Mergansers number are increasing on the river especially above and below Lock 26 (Lakefield). Location: Otonabee River, Lakefield Observer: Martin Parker

February 22, 2011

I saw the most amazing thing this morning. At 12:45 today, I was driving north on Towerhill Road, just past the intersection with Milroy Drive, and I caught something out of the corner of my eye. Over the house on the opposite side of the road, at first glance I Read more…

February 20, 2011

Today, at around 4 p.m. I saw 2 swans flying west towards Buckhorn on Lower Buckhorn Lake. I was not able to tell for sure if they were Trumpeter (most likely) or Tundra Swans. Location: Lower Buckhorn Lake Observer: Rose Mary Rosada

February 16, 2011

Today, there were huge numbers of snowfleas on the snow along the trails of the Kawartha Nordic Ski Club. I saw them on both the Beaver and the Trillium. Location: Haultain, north of Woodview, Ontario Observer: Drew Monkman

February 15, 2011

I saw a small flock of about 10 American Robins yesterday in Jackson Park, happily drinking from an opening in the creek. However, today, when I came home at about noon, there was a huge flock (approx. 50) of Bohemian Waxwings in the maple tree in my backyard. There might Read more…

February 13, 2011

I have always been hoping to see a Bald Eagle in our area. Today, on our way home from church, there was one on Wallace Point Rd, just before the four corners at Stewart Hall. The eagle picked something up from the roadside and flew into a tree. It was Read more…

February 6, 2011

This weekend, we had the pleasure of watching a Barred Owl over several hours, just outside our living room window. He had found a rabbit near our compost bin and was enjoying his feast despite our presence and curiosity. It was a real highlight for us to watch him! Location: Read more…

February 4, 2011

There was an adult Red-shouldered Hawk in a tree over county road 10 about 100 m south of the 10/7A intersection at Cavan this morning at about 7:30. It was attended by three crows. Location: Cavan, Ontario Observer: Scott McKinlay

February 3, 2011

Students at King George Public School, who have been studying raptors, were thrilled today to get a great view of an adult Bald Eagle that flew right over the playground. When the kids hollered out, “Hey, there’s a Bald Eagle!” their teacher’s reaction was “Yah, right.” Well, as it turns Read more…

February 2, 2011

We have a female red-bellied woodpecker at the suet feeder. She has been here for 3 mornings. Never settles for long. The dozens of blue jays control the area. She shared the 2-sided suet feeder with the hairy so we know they are the same length. Location: Kawartha Park, Clear Read more…

February 2, 2011

We had a Carolina Wren at our feeder on the front veranda at 20 Benson Ave. The bird appeared at 11:20 a.m. (N.B. What is probably the same bird has been frequenting a feeder on Manning Avenue at the home of Barry Kinsey. It has been coming fairly regularly since Read more…

February 1, 2011

Today during ski practice at Lakefield College, I saw an immature Bald Eagle circle over the ski track and then fly up river along the Otonabee. Location: Lakefield, Ontario Observer: Luke Berg

January 29, 2011

Thought you would like to know that we saw an absolutely beautiful Bald Eagle this morning. It was flying south over the Otonabee towards Peterborough. We have seen them here before – very exciting! Location: River Road South, Peterborough Observer: Anne Worrall

January 29, 2011

Two Northern Cardinals were in full voice this morning, inspired no doubt by the bright sunshine and relatively mild temperatures. Chickadees, too, were singing enthusiastically. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman