April 12, 2010

My husband and I (both experienced birders who have seen peregrines elsewhere in Canada) saw a Peregrine Falcon flying northward over our home on Old Young’s Point Road today around supper time. The tail and wing shapes were distinctive as was the wingbeat pattern. In addition, my husband had his Read more…

April 11, 2010

On Sunday, April 11, about 30 people took part in the first PFN Sunday Morning Bird Walk of the spring. We first of all went to the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary where we saw and/or heard a good variety of species including Ring-necked Duck, Eastern Phoebe, Turkey Vulture, Northern Harrier, American Read more…

April 11, 2010

Lori and I walked the dogs in Petroglyphs Provincial Park at around mid-day today, It was a cool start (@5C), but was getting warm by the time we returned to the car. The highlight was two Pine Warblers singing near the park gate at Northey

April 11, 2010

There was a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks in the trees above our house today at noon. We’re located on Fireroute 40 near 6 Foot Bay Resort. They are the first I’ve seen here. Merlins come and go regularly. Also, I had a single sandhill crane flying over the Gannon Narrows Read more…

April 9, 2010

I watched 4 or 5 dozen swallows today in Lakefield, skimming around low over the water near the mouth of the river, opposite Isabel Morris Park. There was a strong, cold, west wind and it was overcast. I’ve recorded their arrival for 7 years, and this is the earliest. 2004 Read more…

April 8, 2010

Albeit not rare and around for about a week now, there were 63 Tree Swallows hunting over the river and sitting on a powerline at Trent University yesterday. Seemed like a noteworthy sized flock to me. Location: Trent University Observer: Ben Walters

April 5, 2010

Northeys Bay Road – Lots of amphibian activity during the rainy evening. Hundreds of Spring Peepers, dozens of leopard frogs, a few Grey Tree Frogs found on the roads. Also found 1 Red Eft (terrestrial juvenile Eastern Newt), and several Blue Spotted Salamanders and Spotted Salamanders. Location: Northeys Bay Road Read more…

April 5, 2010

After an Easter Weekend with temperatures in the 20’s, Hepatica was in bloom in our garden. Bloodroot, too, was almost in full bloom. Location: Maple Crescent Observer: Drew Monkman

April 4, 2010

Yesterday morning we saw a Northern Goshawk circle over the canal at the Trent U Nature area. It landed in a wooded area on the West side of the canal. We also saw a Northern Shrike that has been singing for the past two weeks. Some of the other birds Read more…

April 3, 2010

We took the dogs for a walk in Petroglyphs Provincial Park this morning. En route, we saw an Osprey flying up the Otonabee River at McDonnel St. In the park, there were lots of Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Dark-eyed Junco, and Red-breasted Nuthatch singing. We also saw a single Eastern Read more…

April 3, 2010

This morning I took my dog for a walk along the old rail trail between Base Line and David Fife Line in the south of the county. The sun was just rising as I arrived and the area was alive with birdsong. Three Wilson

April 3, 2010

The noisy merlins have returned to Nicholls Park, hopefully to nest again. This morning the male osprey was doing the sky dance flight high above the nest at the soccer field on Ashburnham. He was so high I probably wouldn’t have noticed him except for the contant calling he was Read more…

April 3, 2010

This morning in the swamp next to the Otonabee on the Mervin Line (the road north of the airport) I found 4 species of woodpecker including a male red-bellied excavating a hole. It was also calling repeatedly. I saw one here last spring as well. (downy, hairy, flicker were the Read more…

April 2, 2010

There was a male yellow-bellied sapsucker in Cavan Woods (Cavan), as well as a group of golden-crowned kinglets. I also glimpsed a thrush, which I assume to be a hermit thrush, but did not get much of a look. Also mourning cloaks. Location: Cavan Observer: Scott McKinlay