More migrants returning!

Today, May 5, I had a Rose-breasted Grosbeak on my feeder. An American bittern has been in the wetland near our house since at least since April 26. Also, I saw my first Yellow Warbler on May 3. I have my hummingbird feeders out, but nothing yet.  

Recent sightings

On the afternoon of April 23, Sylvia and I went for a walk in the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary. When up on the drumlin, where the Tree Swallow boxes are, we met two young women birders who said they had just seen what they thought was a Northern Mockingbird. Almost on Read more…

Turkey Vultures returning to the Kawarthas

Turkey Vulture (Northern) (Cathartes aura aura/septentrionalis) (1) – Reported Mar 08, 2017 14:56 by Matthew Tobey – Downtown Bus Terminal, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “flying northeast over the terminal” Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) (1) – Reported Mar 09, 2017 10:10 by Iain Rayner – Peterborough–Millennium Park, Read more…

More waterfowl arriving in the Kawarthas

Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens) (1) – Reported Mar 05, 2017 14:14 by Brian Bailey – Peterborough–Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.3085044&ll=44.2939092,-78.3085044 – Checklist: – Media: 4 Photos – Comments: “Blue phase with Canada Geese, initially on the lake. Later, feeding in the cemetery with Canada Geese.” Cackling Goose Read more…