March 13, 2009
Ducks at Little Lake today included Ring- neck Ducks, Common Mergansers, a Red-breasted Merganser, many Hooded Mergansers, Common Goldeneyes and Buffleheads. Location: Little Lake, Peterborough Observer: Ken Rumble
Ducks at Little Lake today included Ring- neck Ducks, Common Mergansers, a Red-breasted Merganser, many Hooded Mergansers, Common Goldeneyes and Buffleheads. Location: Little Lake, Peterborough Observer: Ken Rumble
As I was walking my dog today along the trail on the south side of the Otonabee River between the cottages and the river, I passed three workers removing the remains of a large pine tree they had cut down. A small flock of White-winged Crossbills was scratching around the Read more…
I saw several Common Grackles today in downtown Peterborough. Location: Peterborough Observer: Randy Smith
Red-winged Blackbirds were observed today near the Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary. Location: Trent University Observer: Luke Berg
Several American Robins were in full song this morning on Princess Street, adjacent to the YMCA. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
Janet Cobb reports seeing a swan March 6 and 7 on the east bank of the Otonabee between the railway bridge and the Millenium Place cafe (located just south of the MNR building). I saw the bird on March 10 and, based on the still immature plumage, I believe it Read more…
A Snow Goose was on Little Lake today with the Canada Geese. Location: Peterborough Observer: Jerry Ball
On Saturday, March 7, a pair of Merlins was heard/observed displaying over the Avenues area of downtown Peterborough. The male was flying high altitude circuits uttering the distinctive accelerating whinny, and periodically the female was flying over giving the sharp
At around noon today, while returning from a walk in Petroglyphs Provincial Park, Lori and I were very surprised to see two Mourning Cloak butterflies: 1 at rest on the pavement of Northey
This morning, a large flock of Canada Geese past over going north. They are the first I have seen this season. Location: Peterborough Observer: Sue Hill
Our first Red-winged Blackbird showed up this morning in the yard. Singing with it were an American Robin, several American Tree Sparrows, American Goldfinches and a Northern Cardinal. A Song Sparrow was in the yard as well. Spring is near! Location: Young’s Point Road, Lakefield Observer: Myles Falconer
At Little Lake Cemetery, there were 2 Ring-necked Ducks, several Goldeneyes and a very vocal Merlin . At Highland Park Cemetery, there were 50 or more Cedar Waxwings. Location: Little Lake and Highland Park cemeteries in Peterborough Observer: Ken Rumble
Yesterday (March 4) a Great Black-backed Gull (3rd winter) was feeding on a dead carp on the ice just above Lock 22 north of Trent U. I also found a Porcupine feeding in a White Cedar tree in the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary, opposite the car park on the red trail. Read more…
This afternoon at about 3:30, my wife and I saw two River Otters above Lock 23 on the Otonabee River. They were on the edge of the ice on the west side. The otters then slipped into the water, swimming and diving downstream. Location: Otonabee River Observer: Vic Henderson
A lone Red-necked Grebe was swimming in the Otonabee River in Lakefield this morning, behind the Hendren Funeral Home. Location: Lakefield, Ontario Observer: Tony Bigg
Single Long-tailed Duck with Common Goldeneye and single Ring-necked Duck in the open water from the east side of Little Lake Cemetery. Location: Little Lake, Peterborough Observer: Ken Rumble
During a class trip to the Warsaw Outdoor Education Centre, we enjoyed looking at snowfleas (springtails) on the snow along the cross-country ski trails. Location: Warsaw, Ontario Observer: Drew Monkman and students
From Nov. 19, 2008 to Feb. 24, 2009, I sighted a female Red-bellied Woodpecker on 40 different days at my feeder/property. Location: South Monaghan township Observer: David Harries
I have had a single Yellow-rumped Warbler visiting my feeder all winter. Its preferred foods include nyger seed and other small seeds. The bird will take seeds directly from the feeder or from the balcony floor where they have dropped. Location: Murray St., Peterborough Observer: Linda Heffernan
I am being visited by Pine Siskins for the first time in many years. They are the only birds besides goldfinches that are able to hang upside down on my Niger seed feeder. As many as six Northern Cardinals at a time were visiting my sunflower feeder in early January, Read more…
Just a reminder that this weekend (Feb. 13 to 16), the Great Backyard Bird Count is taking place across North America. It serves to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds across the continent are this weekend. You basically just observe the birds at your feeder – or wherever Read more…
I heard my first Northern Cardinals of the year singing this morning at 8:30 a.m. I was standing in the parking lot Edmison Heights Public School on Marina Blvd. There were at least two birds singing. Location: Marina Blvd, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
There was a Red-shouldered Hawk perched in a willow tree between my neighbors’ backyard and Cavan Creek (east side of County Road 10, just north of Cavan intersection. It was there for at least half an hour giving very good views from my deck before some crows arrived and it Read more…
This afternoon, a small accipter sat in a tree in my yard. It was most likely a Sharp-shinned Hawk, although a male Cooper’s can’t be discounted. (The two species can overlap in size.) Location: Merino Drive, Peterborough Observer: Sue Hill
Today, I observed a Great Gray Owl on the road between Bridgenorth and Lakefield. Location: County Road 18 Observer: Heather Watson
10 Pine Grosbeaks with lots of Pine siskins and a few Common Redpolls. Location: Ford Cresent, RR#1 Cavan. Observer: Ken Rumble
Today at 2:00 p.m. I found observed a Snowy Owl in Millbrook. It was sitting on a telephone pole. Location: Millbrook, Ontario Observer: Paige Young
At 4:30 pm, I saw an adult Bald Eagle flying over the Little Lake Cemetery. Lots of Pine Siskins, too, at the feeder today on Ford Crescent in Cavan. Location: Peterborough and Cavan Observer: Ken Rumble
In conversation today with Tim Dyson, I learned that a Bobcat was trapped in December north of Havelock near Devil’s 4 Mile Road and Oak Lake. The trapper’s name is Guy Kennedy. Pictures were taken of the animal. Although I’ve heard of sight records of this species in the County, Read more…