January 17, 2009

Finally a single Common Redpoll at my feeder in Cavan with all the siskins this morning. I also was visited by 44 Cedar Waxwings. I looked for bohemians in the flock but there weren’t any. There was one with an orange band on the tail instead of the usual yellow. Read more…

January 15, 2009

We have a Red-bellied Woodpecker coming to our bird feeder this winter. We live on the Otonabee River below Lock 19, near Whitfield Landing. Location: Whitfield Landing, south of Peterborough Observer: Bob and Eva McFaul

January 13, 2009

According to Karin Mundinger (see Jan. 5), who was talking to the head cougar biologist, Rick Rosatte, of the MNR, there was a Cougar sighting today east of Peterborough. There were deer nearby. Location: east of Peterborough Observer: unknown

January 10, 2009

This morning, a flock of about 40 Pine Siskins descended upon our feeders. They were accompanied by one Common Redpoll and a couple of dozen American Goldfinches. These were our first siskins of the winter. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

January 8, 2009

I came upon a boisterous flock of about 250 Bohemian Waxwings on and in the trees beside Holden Road, about a kilometer north of the 8th Line of Smith. Location: Bridgenorth, Ontario Observer: Michael Butler

January 1, 2009

I saw a Cougar today by the Independent grocer at Television Road and Hwy 7. This is where an animal was seen in mid-December, so maybe it hasn’t travelled very far and there is a possibility of finding more evidence in the future. Location: Television Road, Peterborough Observer: Faye Sarah Read more…

December 31, 2008

A Brown Thrasher is visiting the feeders at our cottage located at 1631 Kinsale Road which is on the west side of Gannon Bay (near Gannon Narrows), Buckhorn Lake. During the past few days we were there (Sunday 27 December to Wednesday 31 December, 2008), the thrasher appeared rather briefly, Read more…

December 29, 2008

A Great Horned Owl was seen today at noon along the gravel path running from the St. Joseph at Fleming parking lot at Brealey and Forster Avenue towards the main Fleming campus. It was perched in a White Pine. Location: Brealey Drive, Peterborough Observer: Irene Rudd

December 27, 2008

A male Yellow-headed Blackbird is coming to a feeder near Bridgenorth. It first showed up four days ago. According to the homeowner, Bob Pettifer, it often arrives in the company of grackles, starlings and two Red-winged Blackbirds. People are welcome to go out to see the bird, but Bob prefers Read more…

December 26, 2008

A Great Gray Owl was found dead north of Lakefield today. It was on County Road 6, 4 to 5 kms east of Hwy 28. Great Grays have started to turn up in eastern Ontario in recent weeks and may foreshadow a major flight southward from the boreal forest. For Read more…

December 25, 2008

Just reporting that 2 very fat and healthy looking American Robins spent all of Christmas Day at my home in Peterborough chowing down small berries on many of my trees. Location: Peterborough Observer: Randy Smith

December 23, 2008

Environment Canada announced that 2008 has been the wettest year on record for Peterborough and area. A snowy winter, followed by a wet summer, produced 1,106 millimetres of precipitation as of December. The average for the year is 840 millimetres. Location: Peterborough Observer: Environment Canada

December 22, 2008

We still have the Eastern Towhee at our feeders; it is very reliable visitor. Also, for several days so far, it has now been joined by a White-throated Sparrow. If you want to see them, feel free to stop by: 46 Anne St., Millbrook. However, a call first would be Read more…

December 21, 2008

While out with my camera, I came across a Pileated Woodpecker that was feeding on insects located in a telephone poll beside the road. The light wasn’t great (in between snow storms), but I managed to capture a few images before it flew into the woods. Location: Johnston Drive, Peterborough Read more…

December 18, 2008

I couldn’t find the swans at mid-day today, but I did see at least three adult Greater Black-backed Gulls and 1 adult Glaucous Gull with all the Herring Gulls on Little Lake, directly north of the cemetery on the edge of the ice. Location: Little Lake, Peterborough Observer: Scott McKinlay

December 17, 2008

A single Red-bellied Woodpecker attended our feeder this afternoon. This is the first one we’ve seen in the Township of North Kawartha. Location: Mt. Julian (Stoney Lake) Observer: Michael Butler

December 13, 2008

A Carolina Wren was in my yard today, seemingly taking dormant insects off the screen door and walls of the house. Location: 1010 Mississauga Road, Curve Lake (tel: 657-1061) Observer: David Johnson