August 18, 2008
At 9 a.m.there was a single Great Egret in the construction ponds. Location: Mervin Line at Airport Road Observer: Don Sutherland
At 9 a.m.there was a single Great Egret in the construction ponds. Location: Mervin Line at Airport Road Observer: Don Sutherland
Jerry Ball found a Giant Swallowtail butterfly at the corner of Scriven Rd and the 4th Line of South Monaghan. On August 17th, Jerry and Tony Bigg found three Giant Swallowtails on Scriven Rd, two between the 4th and 3rd Lines, and one between the 3rd and 2nd Lines. Location: Read more…
There was a single Great Egret in with the cattle in the pasture on the north side of Beardmore Rd. and three in the construction ponds at the southwest corner of Mervin Line and Airport Rd. No bands were seen on any of these egrets. Location: Beardsmore Road; Mervin Line Read more…
Recent observations include Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and Black-throated Blue warblers eating the berries on the Red-osier Dogwoods. Indigo Buntings on new growth along road. Several pairs nested this year and have done so for 4 or 5 years. Location: Stoney Lake Observer: Rob Welsh
Many, many Common Nighthawks here tonight in Kawartha Hideway. Location: Buckhorn Lake Observer: Jane Philpott
At about 10 p.m., a Northern True Katydid (Pterophylla camellifolia) could be heard in the vicinity of King and John Streets. Location: Avenues area of downtown Peterborough Observer: Don Sutherland
I observed an American Snout butterfly today. (This is only the second record for Peterborough County for this species. The first was on 28 July 1999 by Don Sutherland. It was seen on Sammy Island in Belmont Lake, northeast of Havelock. Location: just south of Peterborough Observer: Jerry Ball
This evening, I counted 30 Common Nighthawks circling above the road. I had four sightings of Caspian Terns in the vicinity of Lakefield this summer from the beginning of June to the end of July. On July 27 whilst on a cruise on Stony Lake I saw three terns including Read more…
We had our first Monarch in the garden today. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
Margo Huges observed an Eight-spotted Forester (black with two white or yellow spots on the forewing and two white spots on the hind wing) in her garden. They are often mistaken for a butterfly because they fly during the day and visit nectar flowers. The host plants for the caterpillars Read more…
I saw my first Monarch Butterfly of the year today. Location: Marina Boulevard, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
I am not sure if this would be new for Peterborough County but I found a Hooded Warbler nest right on the southern edge of the County this afternoon. It is in the Ganaraska Forest. As it is a Species at Risk and it has a nest with young I Read more…
Did you notice that it “rained” little toads on Friday night? That was around the MNR building on Water street. You could not even walk accross the parking lots without stepping on the poor little guys. (Note: According to Don Sutherland of M.N.R., this was due to a mass emergence Read more…
On Listowell Line in Ennismore today, I had an Upland Sandpiper ( always there ) and a Common Sipe sitting on the Hydro wires. Strange place for the snipe Location: Ennismore Observer: Randy Smith
During a midmorning walk through Quackenbush Provincial Park today, we saw/heard a good mix of resident birds including Red-shouldered Hawk, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Yellow-throated Vireo (2 singing) and Cerulean Warbler (4 singing). Most of the common warblers were present, as well. We also found a Least Flycatcher Read more…
A Common Nighthawk circled over my house in the west end of Peterborough at 6:30 p.m. today. It’s the first I’ve seen/heard in Peterborough this spring. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
A bike ride to and through a woodlot at Mt. Julian turned up a few interesting birds, among them: Red-headed Woodpecker (1), Eastern Wood Pewee (1), Yellow-throated Vireo (5+), Red-eyed Vireo (many), Black-and-white Warbler (2), Ovenbird (many), Northern Waterthrush (1), Common Yellow-throat (3), Yellow Warbler (2), Yellow-rumped Warbler (3), Pine Read more…
Today I saw and heard a male Blue-winged Warbler on Co. Rd. 44, about 1.2 km east of the Cty Rd. 6 junction (near the south-east corner of Stony Lake), very close to the large wooden Douro-Dummer Township sign. Tony Bigg and Anne Anthony found a Blue-winged Warbler on June Read more…
Warblers in our yard yesterday included a male Chestnut-sided, drinking water from the birdbath, and male Nashville, preening itself in our blossom-laden Juneberry tree. Quite a beautiful sight! Today, a female Blackburnian was singing and came in quite close in response to pishing.. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
This morning, while alking along the trail bordering the west side of the canal, just south of Nassau Mills Road, oriole song was everywhere. Also calling were a Great Crested Flycatcher, Eastern Kingbirds, Warbling Vireos and Northern Waterthrushes. There are some nice stands of wildflowers in the woods along this Read more…
Working in the garden today, migrant birdsong was dominated by White-crowned Sparrows. Ruby-crowned Kinglets were also singing. A Grey Catbird was in the yard, too, as well as a Baltimore Oriole. Our two Pin Cherry’s are at their peak blossom as is our Juneberry. Dandelion is also at or close Read more…
New migrants were evident in small numbers on each of the last two mornings. All sightings were around our home at Mt. Julian. May 8: Least Flycatcher (2), Blue-headed Vireo (1), Ovenbird (3), Nashville Warbler (3), Chestnut-sided Warbler (1), Palm Warbler (1), Yellow Warbler (1), Black-throated Green Warbler (4),Yellow-rumped Warbler Read more…
Today the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds returned. There are also many Baltimore Orioles being sighted in Youngstown subdivision in Ennismore. Our feeders are very busy at this moment. Location: Ennismore Observer: Marilyn Emery
We have had a Harris’ Sparrow at our feeder for the past three days. My field guides indicate that this sparrow winters in the central U.S. then migrates north to Manitoba/Saskatchewant. So, it would appear to be far east of its normal range. (Note: This is an extremely rare bird Read more…
An osprey.was found today – dead with a broken wing. Apparently, just before I got there, another osprey swooped down and flipped the carcass over. Aggresion? Affection? There were no overhead wires present. I also saw 4 eagles this week. They were quite high, circling and drifting north. Location: Stony Read more…
As cool, damp weather continues, Amelanchier is at flowering peak throughout the city right now. I saw my first Chimney Swift flying over the Otonabee with numerous swallows early this evening. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
My first Ruby-throated Hummingbird arrived back today. Location: Cavan Observer: Cheryl Covert
The PFN Sunday outing traveled this morning to the south-east of the county. On Blezard Line we were able to watch a Solitary Sandpiper from up close in a large flooded field to the west of the road. Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs were feeding together making the ID easy for Read more…
Today, a culvert near the hamlet of Douro still contained large numbers of Canadian Worms (Aporrectodea tuberculata) swimming under the water. The worms average about 4″ to 6″ long. On April 21st, the mass was about 6′ by 4′ by 6″ and probably included many thousands of individual worms. In Read more…