Cougar - Trans-Canada Trail (Luke Berg)

Possible Cougar – Trans-Canada Trail (Luke Berg)

Possible cougar? (Luke Berg)

Possible cougar? (Luke Berg)

I just got back from walking my dogs on the Trans-Canada Trail this evening off Lily lake Road where I saw a cougar come out of the woods, briefly run along the trail and then head off the trail away from the road. I observed it well for about 2 minutes walking along the trail. It was very large and was walking rather than lopping like a wolf or a coyote.   I saw it on the east side of Highway 7, where the driveway to house number 124 Lily Lake Road crosses it. The animal went north up the steep embankment. I did get distant pictures. You can clearly see the long, slightly curved tail and the shorter, rounded ears.

Observer: Luke Berg

Note: Rick Rosatte, cougar expert at Trent/MNR writes: “the body shape does not look cougar to me– body too short and legs are too long – I suspect it is some type of exotic cat.”


Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.