On February 26, I came across this Short-tailed Weasel (Ermine) near the Lakefield March. I wish I’d had my camera instead of just my phone. Debbie Jenkins also saw one outside her kitchen window. She apparently saw it grab a mouse! Guy Hanchet, Lakefield
My husband and I spotted this Beaver on our walk on February 26. It was on the trail that leads to Beavermead, near the creek not far from Tollington Bridge. Marilyn & Glen McFarlane

I came across this dead Barred Owl while driving home today, February 23., It was missing its head. Jeff Telfer, Millbrook
I spent the afternoon of February 23 with a Short-eared Owl that I found along County Road 2 near Rice Lake. Carl Welbourn
I observed this Merlin in our front yard in the west end of Peterborough on February 23. I managed to get a few photos before it flew off. Evan Thomas

One of the male Eastern Bluebirds was back again today, February 23. Michael Gillespie, David Fife Line
I walk every and often chat with people that I meet on the rails. On February 20, I came across a fellow in Rotary Park near Hazlitt Street who was watching a female White-winged Crossbill in a spruce tree. He explained how the specialized beaks of crossbills makes it possible for them to extract the seeds hidden under the scales of the cones. It was the highlight of my day! Ross Jamieson
We came across these Trumpeter Swans while out for a walk in Lakefield on February 19. Just wish I’d had my camera instead of just my phone. David Morton
I just wanted to send along a couple pictures of what I believe to be a Peahen that I saw in Peterborough today, February 14. This was on Fairbairn St close to Patricia Cres. I never expected to see one up on a hydro line! Kim Mitchell

This Barred Owl has been in our vicinity on the 5th Line of Selwyn since late January. Today, February 11, it was in our backyard. I skied past it several times before I noticed it! Seemed indifferent to me. Mathilde Colley

On February 1, I found two female and one male Pine Grosbeak in my neighbour’s crab-apple tree in Lindsay.

I saw this Eastern Screech-owl on February 2. It was off Centre Line Smith sitting in a cedar hedge. It stayed there for at least a few hours. The homeowner was alerted to its presence by the chickadees! Maris Lubbock
N.B. What a picture, Maris! D.M.