I thought I’d share that I saw a number of Yellow Lady’s Slipper orchids just north of the London Street bridge on the east bank, close to “the island”. The photos are from June 1. Sylvia Dee

On my walk last night, June 10, I came across a Jack-in-the-pulpit and also noticed there’s a particularly heavy seed crop on some of the White Ash trees here between Silent and Little Bald Lakes. I also have a Chipping Sparrow nesting in a hanging planter on my deck! It has four beautiful blue eggs with brown spots. Nancy Eaton

I spotted this Porcupine in the woods near a swamp north of Deer Bay Reach this afternoon, June 17. Quills up like a peacock. We gazed at each other and moved on. Janet Duval

I recently came across this Northern Red Belt (Fomitopsis mounceae) shelf fungus just north of Sandy Lake near Buckhorn. Nancy Eaton
NOTE: Fomitopsis mounceae is a recently isolated species of shelf fungus. Originally thought to be identical to the red-belted conk, recent studies show that it is in fact a discrete species. The original specimen was isolated from Edson, Alberta on a poplar tree. D.M.

Below is a write-up that a birder from Port Hope (Gerry Atkinson) has posted. I went to the Lock 25 pond on June 24 and can confirm that the Common Loon nest is empty & flooded. This flooding has taken place within the final week prior to the loons hatching (after 26-30 days from laying). I think this activity needs to be publicized or more of our wildlife & waterfowl will continue to become an item on the increasing “Endangered List”. Carl Welbourn