On May 28, I also saw this Eastern Milksnake on the west day use trail at Petroglyphs Provincial Park. It was in the section just before the small bridge that spans the creek between the marshes. I had never seen one of these snakes before, and it was a very exciting experience.

In late May, an Edmison Heights Public School teacher found this small Eastern Milksnake on the 3rd line of Douro. She said when they picked it up it shook its tail and it rattled. They put in the nearby field. Stephanie Benn

On May 24 I found Pink Lady’s-slippers on the Nanabush Trail at Petroglyph Provincial Park. A few flowers were in full bloom and there are many more that are just starting to open. Sue Munderich

On May 20, I took these pictures of two Red-headed Woodpeckers and a pair of Baltimore Orioles at the feeders in our backyard. Karen Taylor, Rice Lake

On May 20, at about 8:45 pm, I saw about a dozen Common Nighthawks when I went out walleye fishing near the Katchiwano Golf Course. I can’t say that I’ve seen them before. They had the distinct white band on their wings and less of a forked tail. They were feeding over the lake, covering an area of maybe four acres. I saw them over the course of three nights with less each night. Kevin Archer, Lake Katchewanooka

Sometimes the best bird watching is in your own back yard! On May 20, in the rain, I heard a bird and the Merlin Sound ID app said “Magnolia Wabler”, so I grabbed my camera. Trudy Gibson, Peterborough

On May 15, I took these pictures of a beautiful Red-headed Woodpecker that is coming regularly to the feeder behind our house. The bird has visited my neighbours, as well. On May 17, I noticed a beautifully patterned bird fly over and land in the tree and I didn’t know what it was. Binos confirmed it was once again the lovely Red-headed! Sandra Poytress, Orange Corners, City of Kawartha Lakes

I took these pictures today, May 14, on the Trans-Canada Trail near Redmond Road. They include a House Wren, a Chestnut-sided Warbler, a Warbling Vireo, and a Northern Waterthrush. This was my first time capturing the waterthrush, so it was very exciting. They have a beautiful song. What a great day! Trudy Gibson, Peterborough

Today, May 13, I saw this “not so rosey” Rose-breasted Grosbeak in our neighbour’s tree. I also saw a partially leucistic American Robin on the way to Hooten Drive near Peterborough. Trudy Gibson

On May 2, in the northwest corner of Cavan-Monaghan Township, we were out walking our dog, Mandy, on our perimeter farm trail. All of a sudden, we saw a very large, tawny cat break cover in one of the back fields about 100 yards to the north of us. It ran to the east towards the next property. We knew it was a cat because of its running gait. In fact, the only animal it could have been was a Cougar. It was incredibly exciting. Our dog ran after it…about one field behind! Darienne McAuley

The Kawartha Camera Club had a “Bird Nerd” outing yesterday, May 3. We visited Ecology Park, Meadowvale Park, Lock 25 and Lakefield Marsh. Here’s some of our sightings. Carl Welbourn