I had a male Red-bellied Woodpecker at my feeder on George street in Lakefield on February 2, 2017. It spent enough time on the feeder to identify and was confirmed by photo from David Wells. Great website! John D’Andrea
For the past two days (Jan. 31, Feb. 1) our black sunflower feeder has been visited by a male Red-bellied Woodpecker. I’ve observed birds for a long time, but I have never seen one of these beautiful creatures. According to my Peterson Guide their range seems to be limited to south of the Great Lakes.We have quite a few Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers. They gorge themselves at the feeder and in the process throw seed all over the ground. In contrast, the Red-bellied grabs a couple of seeds and flies away to return a few minutes later – not unlike the behaviour of chickadees. We live on the 4th Line of Asphodel, 2 km north of highway #7. Bill Hooper
Categories: Sightings