At the pussy willow patch on Xmas eve, I spotted four or five emerging pussy willows way high up in the bushes and saw a dead American Toad on Route 100 in N. Russell. It was a very large one. Lots of blooming dandelions in North Russell (in addition to those spotted earlier in Dec.). And, interestingly, spinach and lettuce coming up in my garden. Actually picked a few tiny bits to add to salad–it’s tough and bitter but so cool that I’m eating fresh out of the garden on Xmas. I’m concerned about the sizes of the some of the buds on trees–including silver, red and sugar maples, and elderberry.I also saw tens of thousands of Snow Geese, with a few Canada Geese mixed in, at the N. Russell Quarry Lake on Xmas Eve. Candice Vetter
As I was leaving home yesterday morning, I heard an American Robin constantly singing as if on territory looking for a mate. Very odd for December 25th. Bruce Ripley, Amherstview, ON
Took a walk along the back field of the Glenhaven cemetary in Glenburnie this afternoon with the dog, saw a whole bunch of yellow dandelion flowers in the mowed grass along the edge of field and road. Most were closed up, about 10 were open. I stopped counting at 72. I looked to see if anything else were blooming, but didn’t find any other species. Rose-Marie Behr
Spring Peepers were calling intermittently after 10:00 pm on 23 December in the Downers Corners Wetland, Peterborough. Eric Snyder