Today, a group of four of us birded from Peterborough to Algonquin Park. Some of the highlights included 1 Northern Shrike (Co Rd 19 in Peterborough), 10 Hooded Mergansers and 3 Common Mergansers (Otonabee River), 100+ Buffleheads (Lakefield Sewage Lagoons), 30 Ring-necked Ducks and 1 Red-necked Grebe (Paudash Lake), an unidentified eagle being harrassed by a Common Raven (between Maynooth and Whitney) and 1 Spruce Grouse, 1 Boreal Chickadee, and 20+ White-winged Crossbills (Wolf Howl Pond trail off of Arowhon Road in Algonquin Park). There were small groups of Gray Jays, Evening Grosbeaks, and Golden-crowned Kinglets in a number of locations in the Park including Opeongo Road. We also enjoyed watching the frolics of a group of four River Otters in the first large lake/wetland along Opeongo Road.
Location: various (see Sighting report)
Observer: Drew Monkman, Jerry Ball, Mitch Brownstein and Jim Cashmore