I was excited to see a flock of Evening Grosbeaks at our feeders this morning, October 29, in Selwyn. They didn’t visit here at all last winter and they’ve been here a couple of times in the last week. I hope they make return visits. I caught a few images of them up in our maple tree. They certainly have a distinctive voice. Maris Lubbock, Selwyn
I am pretty sure I have located at least a pair of Varied Thrush in the woods on the east side of High Street, just south of the water tower where a path leads to the old GE parking lot. It was along the south side of the path and close to High Street in trees with a lot of berries and crabapples. I saw the first bird on October 20. I don’t have a great pic (zoomed in with my iPhone from 100ft). It was robin-like in size and stance but had an orange chest with a prominent black collar. And today, October 22 at the same spot, I saw what looked like a female (no pic) with lighter plumage and a band / bar above the eye. I am not an avid birder but fairly good spotter and just like seeing different things on my daily run. Bruce Roxburgh

On October 17, I was excited to see a Red-bellied Woodpecker in a dead ash tree at the end of our lane. It stayed for 15 minutes and made several calls as well. Its presence is one small piece of evidence of climate change. I have lived here in Bridgenorth for twenty years and had never seen this bird before. Kevin and Nancy Johnston, Bridgenorth
On October 18 on the Millbrook Trail, I came across a huge River Otter. It kept grunting at me and pacing back and forth in the water. There was also a second one, but I couldn’t see it well. It was near where a Beaver made a dam years ago. Sylvia Arsenault, Millbrook