I observed a Green Heron on the Otonabee River under the hydro wires near the Peterborough Airport on two separate occasions recently. On August 2nd at approximately 8:30 pm, I watched the bird fly across the river and perch on a low fallen tree limb about 50 feet from where I was in my canoe. The bird stayed in this area for about 10 minutes only moving slightly.  On August 4th, at approximately 7:30am, I was on the river again in the same area and watched the bird fly away from the shore I was paddling towards.  The yellow legs and white chin were clearly visible.

DJ McPhail

Green Heron  (Don McLeod)

Green Heron (Don McLeod)


Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.