I have now seen nine different Barred Owls between Round Lake and Stoney Lake since the 5th of this month.
Today on my way home from Stoney Lake, I left a little earlier – just before 3:00pm. Before I got home, I had seen four Barred Owls – two repeats from last night, plus two entirely new birds. First new owl was just about 100 mtrs east on #44 off of #6, (aka Stoney Lake Road), and was on the telephone wire. The next bird, was only about 200 mtrs past the first, (and although facing in the other direction this time), was in the same tree, and on the exact spot on the same branch as the night before.
I stopped for a while to pick up some firewood, and then on down #46 where I would pass the locations of three other recent Barred Owls. I didn`t see any there, so I had enough daylight to turn around for one more pass. Not long after turning around, an owl, (another that I saw last night as well), appeared on the telephone line. Stopped, photos, and drove on heading back north. I decided to go all the way up to turn around at Anderson Road which is east of #47 turn-off, and east of the North River bridge on #46. I just came over the hill west of Anderson, in time to see another Barred Owl fly into the woods there. There were two people in a truck pulled off, that had just spotted the owl before I came along. Owl #4 had sped off too fast into the woods, so no photo. But, it was a new location/owl.
I am guessing that the Petroglyphs CBC on the 27th is going to produce, easily, a record count for the species. I would go so far as to guess somewhere in the 15 to 20 Barred Owls range. I may try and take part, if not after mid-night on count day this year, perhaps the last two hours of daylight might be more productive for the owls. The little Screech Owl that has been roosting this winter in my box, is certainly within the count circle. I’ll try and record him for count day, as well.
Tim Dyson, Cordova Lake