Bald Eagle on deer carcass - Val Roberts

Bald Eagle on deer carcass – Val Roberts

On Wednesday, Feb. 12 on Woodland Drive, I noticed something in the tree, so my husband turned the car around and we went back. The bird flew from the tree and landed in the field, where it scared away crows who were feeding on something (turned out to be a deer carcass). I was thrilled to be able to park and watch a Bald Eagle. I got pictures plus a good video.  It was my lucky day!

Val Roberts, Douro-Dummer


Bill Astell Jan 14 2014 In  Woodland Drive eagle in flight - Bill Astell

Woodland Drive eagle in flight – Bill Astell

There were two Bald Eagles today (Feb 13) at 4 pm on the south side of Woodland Drive between Centre LIne (Cty Rd 24) and Hilliard Street. One was in a tree and the other was feeding on a kill really close to the road. It didn’t mind cars stopping but when two people got out and started walking toward it along the road, the bird was startled and took off to the tree with its buddy.
Also, on Feb. 12 at 3 pm at the pedestrian bridge over the Otonabee by No Frills (PTBO), I saw a Common Merganser, Red-breasted Merganser and a Common Goldeneye – its head glossed with green. 

Marilyn Freeman


Woodland Drive Bald Eagle - Bill Astell

Woodland Drive Bald Eagle – Bill Astell

On Feb. 13 2014, two Bald Eagles were feeding on a deer carcass in the field just up the road from our home on Woodland St. here in Peterborough.  I got a few photos before they flew away.  I think the deer had been hit by a car. As of February 15, the carcass was still there. The carcass islocated two fields east of the communication tower and just 50 feet off the road.

Bill Astell


Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.